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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to the mandalorian season 2 episode 7 "chapter 15: the believer"

we reunite with another character from season 1, see mando's face, and throw moff gideons words right back at him!

thanks for watching with me!


汉刚 何

Mayfeld mentioned operation cinder in this episode and this is the reason why he shoot that officer, operation cinder is a contingency plan devised by Palpatine, in the event of the emperor's death Imperial Navy will launch orbital bombardment campaign on several planet including Naboo, Mayfeld's division was destroyed during this operation


I cannot wait till next episodes reaction!!!! POST IT NOW WE DON"T WANT TO WAIT!!!! hahahaha

Culper (Lukas)

Just to add to this answer: Operation Cinder was meant to destroy remnants of the Empire as well. Think of it as Palpatine punishing the remaining imperials for letting him die. A lot of the Operation Cinder story line takes place in the Battle Front 2 Campaign, so when this came out, it was a really cool easter egg.

Culper (Lukas)

You don't have to react to them, but once you are done with this season of Mandalorian, you should really check out the Mandalorian Season 1/2 gallery videos. I think there are 8 episodes for Season one and 2 episodes for Season two. I can only speak for myself, but watching those expanded my understanding of Star Wars and understanding the minds of those who create new shows for Star Wars.


The reason you don't see Pedro's face much is mainly because 95% of the time, it's not him in the suit. It's mainly Brendan Wayne (the grandson of John Wayne) who gives mando his swagger. The stunt man is named Lateef Crowder. Pedro is the voice actor and comes on set for these couple instances there is a face reveal. Kind of like Vader in the original trilogy, the character is a team effort where everyone plays a big part in making Din Djarin so cool haha.

Culper (Lukas)

The reason you don't see his face has nothing to do with the actors. The whole point of his particular Mandalorian cult is to not take their helmets off, lol.


Well yes, but a big part of that being part of the story is because Pedro is a busy man and mainly just does the voice.

Marcus Frederiksen

In season 2 he was actually in it the majority of the time, 1 and 3 it was pretty much all his stunt doubles.


You see those Slave I bombs in "Attack Of The Clones" when Jango and Obi-Wan are fighting among the asteroids


I like the way Mayfeld challenged Mando's beliefs. The believer had to compromise a lot in an attempt to save Grogu.

Florian Hoyer

sry to tell you but the pirates ARE The civilians xD they basicly freedom fighters trying to destroy the imperial transporters "pirates" he just calls them cause they attacking them but basicly they are good guys

Florian Hoyer

predo is very busy in SEASON 3! but season 2 which is what we watching is 95% pedro so no mate ur wrong :) and @marcus he said in an interview about season 1 that it was also mainly him