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hi friends!

here is my EDITED reaction to star wars rebels season 4 episodes 3 and 4 "in the name of the rebellion" part 1 and 2!

it was obvious from when we first saw Saw that we would be in for a ride with this one, but MAN what a ride it was!

thanks for watching with me!


rebels 4x3 4x4 reaction

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Jedha was the planet from Rouge One where the crystals were mined by the Empire.


I love Saw for the reason that he does encapsulate what we know about rebellion and revolution in history, which is... It's messy, rebels have different reasons for fighting a power, and different ideas about how to go about it... Having a character like Saw who has that grey area and shows us that the rebellion isn't unified behind one idea, to be explored makes for a ton of good episodes! Also yeah, assuming you picked up on it but it's hinted again that the kyber crystal and engineers were for the Death Star, so Saw's entire obsession with "finding the secret of his enemy" is chasing the Death Star, we've seen him come close time after time but never quite find it, adds to that psychological impact you can see in him and his payoff of being instrumental in the taking of the Death Star plans in Rogue One, and ultimately dying to it.