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hi friends!

here is my EDITED reaction to star wars rebels season 3 episode 20 "twin suns!"

AMAZING to see obi-wan again and also the death of maul???? what a big episode. really looking forward to the finale next!

thanks for watching!


rebels 3x20 reaction

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Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Love Stephen Stanton's Obi Wan voice it's heavily based on Alec Guinness from the original trilogy as this season takes place in 2BBY just two years before A New Hope and over 7 years after the Obi Wan show. Obi Wan would be around 53 in this episode even though he looks much older which many have put up to the twin suns. Luke and Leia would be 17 but Luke does look pretty short in this episode, maybe it's just the view or maybe Luke had a late spurt. Mark Hamill is 1.75 m so like myself I could see 17 year old Luke being slightly shorter at 17 and then growing to Marks height.

juan carlos gonzalez martinez

This fight has a reason to be this short... the moves are justified. beautifullly justified. regards!


Maul should have used any other move besides the one he killed Quigon with. Obi wan could see it coming. But Mauls voice actor said something like, when Maul finally met Kenobi again, he didn't realize he was face to face with a fully fledged jedi master, on active duty at the most important guard post in the galaxy. At this point in the timeline Luke and Leia are 17, maybe freshly 18 (same age as ezra). Rebels gets the story up to within a year of Episode 4.

Lucas Chantler

I highly recommend watching Sam Witwer (the voice of Maul) break down this fight. The video is only a couple minutes long but it gives you a new appreciation for how good the fight is even though it only lasts a few seconds

Alejandro Herrera

I believe they were trying to demonstrate how much stronger Obi-Wan has become. If you notice he changes his pose before the fight begins. He first does his classic prequel stance but before the fight starts he changes to his stance before he fights Vader in A New Hope. I think this Obi-Wan is less flashy and more precise with his movements.


He will avenge us. I think Maul was referring to the "chosen one" defeating Darth Sidious. The lightsaber duel was lacking in the Hollywood flash department but it was actually the most realist duel in all of Star Wars thus far. If you have an opportunity to


please check out a Kendo competition or go to a nearby Dojo.


The title “Twin Suns” also refers to Maul’s eyes, which resemble fiery suns burning bright in the night- which Obi-Wan ultimately closes forever. And by doing so, he finally extinguishes Maul’s burning hatred. The final moment of Obi-Wan holding Maul is one of the most moving images in Star Wars, imo. And as others have said, the fight shows Obi-Wan’s growth throughout the years while Maul has been stuck in his anger and rage. Obi-Wan only gives in to violence as a last resort when Maul threatens Luke. Though the fight may seem short and anticlimactic, lightsaber duels are like chess, they’re supposed to be won in as few moves as possible. Maul tried to reenact their first duel and use the same move he killed Qui-Gon with, but Obi-Wan learned from it and used it to defeat him.


I like to think of this fight as the creators understanding what was going through each of their head, Maul has been stirring for years on that fight, how he lost, what would he have done differently? Whereas Obi has already done that to himself, with the clone wars (As we see in his show), and his risen above that with clarity of purpose. Him taking Qui-Gon's stance was seeing that same rage and anguish he had, that Maul had and is projecting onto Obi-Wan and using it against him, Maul would see killing Obi in the same way he killed Qui-Gon as a big point of pride, poetic justice. Maul's final words "He will avenge us", they were only enemies because of Sidious, he caused all of this suffering and the empire, Maul wanted that above all, as seen from his offer to Ahsoka.


When maul said us he means everyone that palpatine and the empire has hurt

Kevin Przy

possibly, I always thought of it "us" being him and his brother savage aka the person Palpatine killed.