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Hi everyone I hope you all are having a great weekend!

As some of you may have already seen on my twitter, this week i decided to take a break from Twitch since it’s my last week of student teaching before I graduate with my bachelor’s degree. My original plan was to keep with Patreon, but I will be 100% transparent and say I have been more stressed than I could imagine about my graduation and last week of teaching.

I am going to take a week long break from today until next Sunday.

Since I started my Patreon in July I have never taken a break, and it makes me feel incredibly guilty to do so but I know that graduating college is a once in a lifetime thing that right now really requires 100% of my energy. It has been tough juggling everything this semester and I just want to make my last week as stress-free as possible.

I hope you all can understand, again I feel so bad to do this but when I’m back it will be for full-time with 100% of my energy instead of split with a 40 hour/week teaching job. Since we are currently 5 weeks ahead here on Patreon, we will still be a full 4 when I come back.

Thank you for all the support ♥️



Enjoy your time off!


congrats on your degree, enjoy your well deserved break! :)


Congratulations on your graduation!


You do you. Grats on the accomplishment.


Congrats Emme!!! So happy for you enjoy your graduation.


Don’t feel guilty! If I may speak for all of us, we subscribe to support you, and your dreams and goals, both financially and in numbers, as a way to show our appreciation of your impact on our lives. Graduating college, is one of those, goals for you, and we support it! Take your time, and enjoy the last bit of college. I’d say take two weeks off in total! One to focus on college, and the other as a respite/detox, so you can mentally and physically recoup. Then after, you can come back to making content, with a refreshed mind, body, and spirit! I’d like to think All of us would stick around, and happily await your return, as we will for the next week! Anyways, congrats! Super stoked to see where your career path takes you!

Peter Miller

I’m so very happy for you. You definitely earned a break.


Adding another voice to echo, don't feel guilty at all, the fact you've put in this much effort juggling a degree, a teaching job and content creation across 3 platforms is a massive achievement in and of itself and I, and I think many others here are nothing but grateful. The break is well-earned, take as long as you need, enjoy the graduation, stay hydrated, stretch your legs, don't get arrested and of course, big congrats!

mordicai knode

Home stretch! Hope it has been a good week.

Bryan Fritchie

I just became a Patreon (literally minutes ago), and I don't blame you a bit for taking the week off. Enjoy and congratulations!