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hi friends!

here is my EDITED reaction to season 2 finale episodes 21 "twilight of the apprentice part 1" and 22 "twilight of the apprentice part 2"

this was an INSANE season finale, i loved these episodes! season 2 was amazing and i'm so excited to start season 3!

thanks for watching with me!


rebels 2x21 2x22 reaction

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the real name maul was referring to was the name he had on dathomir before he was taken into the sith by sidious. maul is a sith name, he's just taken the 'darth' part out as a sign of his departure from that order and kept the rest because it's the only name he's ever known.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Malachor Sith Temple: I loved that we got to see an ancient Jedi and Sith conflict. The Jedi Order launched an attack on the Sith Empire. During the battle, the Jedi attacked the Sith temple, a battle station and superweapon capable of destroying life created by Darth Tanis. Connection to Old Republic: The weapon was used killing all Jedi and Sith which we see the aftermath of in these two epiosdes. From my understanding this happened around 3966 BBY so at the time of The Old Republic nearly four thousands years before the events of The Phantom Menace. For reference the game Knight of the Old Republic is set in 3957 BBY. We also see a Crossguard Lightsaber of ancient design. Jedi Survivor the sequel to Jedi Fallen Order will feature a Crossguard saber so that's cool. Love seeing these really cool lightsaber designs. Overall Thoughts: Overall these two episode's are pretty solid from Maul appearing to the showdown between Darth Vader and Ahoska Tano and the blinding of Kanan. Made all that more emotional for fans of Clone Wars. Also if you recall back to the Obi Wan show the whole Vader losing half of his mask is inspired by ta similar scene in Rebels only this time between Anakin, Vader, and Ahoska. Season 3 Hype: Cannot wait for Season 3 you'll finally get to meet one of my favourite characters played by Lars Mikkelsen brother of Mads Mikkelsen who played Galen Walton Erso father of protagonist Jyn Erso in Rogue One. No relation in universe just cool that both brothers are in Star Wars. Season 3 and Season 4 are going to be the most important Seasons going forward as those heavily connect to future Star Wars projects.

The Magician

Cool point - Ahsoka revealed the right side of Anakin’s face. Obi Wan revealed the left side of Anakin’s face. Only Luke was able to reveal the full face of Anakin.

Alejandro Herrera

I hate hyping anything up so I've kept my mouth shut, but I was soo looking forward to seeing this reaction!

Lucas Chantler

I love how we got to hear both voices of Anakin (Matt Lanter here and Hayden Christensen in Kenobi) under the Vader mask. Actually hearing their voices makes the confrontations with Ahsoka/Obiwan so much more emotional


so, we havent seen much of it yet, but one thing I really like is that Kanan almost seemed stronger without his eyesight in a fight. kinda like Toph from Avatar, your eyes can betray you, the force cannot. also, Naive little ezra :( the way he just ran towards Ahsoka and Kanan like "Maul tricked us" like no... he only tricked you. I wonder why Maul and Palpatine never ended up getting the holocron.

Matthew Webb

Omg I can't wait for next season


Ahsoka Tano vs Darth Vader A fight many Star Wars fans had been waiting for and theorizing about ever since Clone Wars first aired. There are many interesting things about this duel. For one Vader, being such a strong and imposing opponent, is exactly the type of enemy Anakin trained Ahsoka to fight back during the clone wars. He trained to use her agility and speed to keep up with stronger enemies. And it's good thing she did as she was taught cause Vader was going for several death blows throughout their duel. Now obviously the big moment in this duel is when Ahsoka damages Vader's mask. You can hear Vader's voice shift to Anakin's as the voice modulator in his mask malfunctions and as Ahsoka says she won't leave him the way she did when she left the Order, just for a small moment Anakin peaks through. For a small moment you can see his eyes shift around as if he's not sure how to react. But as quickly as Anakin emerged, he was swallowed back up by Vader, who had reached his decision. And the last time Ahsoka gets to hear Anakin's voice, her mentor and brother in spirit, he tells her she will die. By his hands, no less. And Ahsoka accepts whatever fate has in store for her. She faces her former master one last time. Whether she survived is unsure. Vader wouldn't willingly let her escape with her life, so much is clear. And she was determined not to leave him again. However it almost looks like they parted ways at the end, both injured from their duel. Maybe one day there will be an answer. But for now we'll just have to wait and see.

Allison Kitaguchi

These are some of my favorite episodes in the Rebels series! I've been waiting for you to get to this moment since the end of Clone Wars. "I won't leav e you, not this time." Is Ahsoka's guilt that she feels for leaving the Jedi Order and also leaving Anakin at the end of TCW -- she believes that if she had stayed, she might've been able to stop Anakin's fall (which isn't true, but it's what she thinks.)


A Nokia phone?🤣

Dr Puma

Watching this when it premiered I felt it was interpreted pretty clearly that this was the death of Ahsoka; she sacrificed herself so Kanan and Ezra could escape, but watching it since I guess it is a bit ambiguous


Interesting thought, last episode you said 'It felt like a goodbye', the words were 'We will SEE each other again', so in a way... You were kind of right


It's also worth keeping an eye on Ezra as you say, he could access the Sith temple early in the episode, and the holocron at the end, as he has a pull towards the dark-side and being emotionally driven, it's what Maul sensed and why he tries to make him his apprentice... In a way Ezra is a parallel to Anakin, both started training late on (Not advised by the Jedi), both lost their parents at an early age and feel alot of remorse and pain from it and both have masters who feel they weren't ready for the responsibility.