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hi friends!

here is my TIMER reaction to star wars rebels season 2 episode 17 "the honorable ones!"

this was truly a BONKERS episode to get this perspective on kallus! 

thanks for watching with me!

streamable link: https://streamable.com/qm6rdi


rebels 2x17 timer

Watch "rebels 2x17 timer" on Streamable.



Wow I did not expect to sympathize with Kallus!


okay so there's ofcourse a huge difference between both of their stories which i wouldve expected Zeb to mention, but maybe its good that he didnt cuz it would have antagonized Kallus again, which is that while Saw gererra's Lasat man did a cruel and ruthless act (not like all lasat but most certainly like Saw Gererra and his crew), The empire as with all conflics are still the oppressor and aggressor, and the people that he ended up finishing off were soldiers, stormtroopers. The lasat that the Empire massacred were also lots of civilians. pretty sure only one of those is an actual warcrime. I didnt feel he owed it to Kallus to say "cant judge all lasat by that" but he did anyway. Still though it's great to see Kallus show remorse for it, and really sad to see nobody even cared that he returned. reminds me in retrospect so much of Crosshair in "The solitary clone." nobody sits with him, everyone who shows to care goes AWOL, it took 32 rotations for the Empire to pick him up on Kamino, like the Empire really does not care for its soldiers.