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hi friends!

here is my TIMER reaction for the avengers age of ultron!

one note here:

  • i know jedi fallen order was supposed to be uploaded today, i usually film and upload that within the same day or the day before. today was super crazy at school with 3 kids having breakdowns and frankly i didn't have anything left in my cup to pour from for the day! but i will film, edit and upload it tomorrow morning :)

really loved this movie!!!!! i'm fascinated by AI things so right from the getgo i was IN IT

thanks for watching with me!


avengers age of ultron timer

Watch "avengers age of ultron timer" on Streamable.


Sindre Kristiansen

Really loved this reaction! It's always interesting and fascinating rewatching movies like this, as a reaction. More often than not it makes me appreciate the movies more. Thanks for the upload and have a lovely weekend :D (I didn't get arrested!)

Lucile Byrd

I get Stark's name is what they saw while hiding under a bed afraid for their lives for 2 days after their parent's were killed, but that does not make sense that they decide , oh, Tony Stark killed our parents and tried to kill us so lets join an anti freedom terrorist organization to kill Stark, the Avengers, and many other innocent people. I meam, Stark only designed the weapons, he was not the one who used them, nor was he the one who sold them to whatever terrorist group did use them on Wanda & Pietro's home. That would be as dumb as sny of the endless victims of gun violence turning around and violently targeting the person who designed the machine gun that took the life of their loved one or injured them, rather than directing their anger towards the actual gunman. Also, I like Wanda (more so out of nostalgia for her x-man character thr Scarlet Witch) but i dont like how she pretends she was a good guy the entire time and that Tony is the villain. First there was again the whole voluntarily joining Hydra, knowing full well what Hydra was and what their goals were, but also, she brought Tony's fears to the surface and enhanced them and then was completely okay with him taking the scepter because she knew he would self destruct and was hoping for some grand chaos to come from it, then she eagerly joined forces with Ultron, again not caring who else got hurt as long as she could get her misguided/misplaced vengeance on the maker of the weapon that (wielded by someone else) killed her parents, but suddenly she has a change of heart (which is not what i have a problem with) and acts like destroying the world and killing innocents was never what she signed up for and Ultron's innability to tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it is a Stark trait. In my opinion, Ultron got that delusion from Wanda, not Tony.