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hi friends!

here is my EDITED reaction to captain america: the winter soldier!

AMAZING movie. i tried to go in without too many expectations even though yall have hyped this one up a lot - but i was still amazed!!!!


captain america winter soldier reaction

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Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Captain America Winter Solider is definitely a great film did think it was a little overrated by the time I watched it but like yourself I really did enjoy it a lot even if a lot of people overhyped it for me. I do prefer some other MCU films but the whole spy thriller aspect is extremely unique to this film. The Captain American Trilogy is just top tier. The Winter Solider was only introduced in Captain America (2004) #6 so in Marvel years he's pretty young as a character, of course Bucky himself was introduced all the way back in 1941 as Captains Americans Sidekick. In the Ultimate Marvel Universe (Earth-1610) Bucky was introduced in Ultimate #1 (March, 2002) where he was an old man taking place in the 2000s. In this universe he never became the Winter Solider or "died" in WW2 living through the war and living his own life while Steve went under the ice. Main reason why Bucky never became Winter Solider is simply because in the Main Marvel Universe (Earth-616) Bucky was assumed dead and this was still two years before he was brought back as The Winter Solider in 2004 so the Ultimate Universe writers had no idea about Bucky being brought back to life so for their take on the character they allowed him to live through the war where he finally met Captain America in the 2000s when he returned instead of dying. Side note but the Ultimate's comics are pretty much Avengers comics. In the Ultimate Universe the Avengers are known as the Ultimate's, Bucky appearing in their first comic. The MCU in my opinion is at it’s best when it steps into new genres, films or shows which feel completely different to each other while still being connected by a shared universe. Great creative rather than following a single formula that gets boring after a while. NON MCU MARVEL MOVIES: On a side note a non MCU Marvel movie I highly recommend is the Blade Trilogy, much more mature than the MCU but features a badass Marvel character called Blade. Blade is confirmed for the MCU played by Mahershala Ali and played for 2024 so there's plenty of time. There's also the Sam Rami 2000s Spider-Man films and the Marc Webb Amazing Spider-Man films from the 2010s that you could also watch both set in their own universes. Marvel actually came to Sony while the Amazing Spider-Man 2 was in post production with the idea of adding Avengers Tower in the New York Skyline connecting Amazing Spider-Man to Avengers and the greater MCU but it was too late and Amazing Spider-Man stayed in it's own universe. Same with the Sam Rami movies only difference is these movies existed before the MCU so they just take place in one of the infinite Marvel universes. There's also the 2004 Punisher movie along with Daredevil 2003, Hulk 2003 and The Fantastic Four from 2005 and this not forget the 2000s X-Men movies. There's a few small hints that these could all be in the same shared universe but nothing confirms they do. In theory Sam Rami's Spider-Man from the 2000s could share a world with 90s Blade, The Punisher, Daredevil, Hulk, Fantastic Four, and X-Men. Fox owned both Fantastic Four and X-Men so they could've crossed over if they wanted too but all these other movies were owned by different studios from Sony to Universal making any crossovers pretty difficult.

Allison Kitaguchi

I consider myself an expert on this movie because I've seen it well over a hundred times, so here's some explanations: 1. Bucky is the longest surviving prisoner of war ever. He was imprisoned by HYDRA for about 65 years. In that time, he had his mind wiped hundreds of times and Pierce even mentions that they wipe his mind every time they take him out of cryo-freeze. 2. Bucky is so valuable to HYDRA because he was the only surviving test subject for HYDRA's knock off super soldier serum. In CA:tFA, when Steve rescues everyone at Azzano, he asks the Howlies where Bucky is and they tell him the scientists took him, but that no one survived. Bucky is the sole survivor of those experiments, meaning that he has a version of Steve's serum, making him the only other known super soldier at this time. 3. Because Bucky has the serum (which gives him regenerative properties like Steve), HYDRA had to wipe him constantly because his brain kept healing. He likely remembered Steve often, but was erased and wiped every time he did. 4. The saddest part about this movie to me is that Steve went into that final fight thinking that Bucky never remembered him, when in fact, he did.

King Gluzzy

@6:04 actually the guy there is a very famous ufc legend George St-Pierre so it's funny you mention black belt . Great reaction 🙌