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hi friends!

switching up the schedule this week just because of my availability this week with recording made it easier to upload the movie today, and Jedi: Fallen Order tomorrow!

here is my thor: the dark world TIMER reaction! loki FASCINATES me. i want to like him so bad :' )

thank you for watching with me!


thor dark world reaction

Watch "thor dark world reaction" on Streamable.



I’m glad you liked this movie. It gets so much hate, but honestly I love it. There’s so much awesome stuff in it, and everything with Loki is gold. The moment it shows his mirage fade and reveals how he’s actually handling his mother’s death is one of my all-time favorites in the MCU.

Josh McInnes

The guy from the beginning is Fandral (the "Robin Hood" guy from the first Thor movie). He was re-cast with a different actor so it is understandable that you didn't recognize him.