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hi friends happy friday!

here is part 2 to my jedi fallen order playthrough!

in this part we make it to the vault and discover what is inside! SUPER interesting and i'm very excited to continue!

i also did not realize until AFTER filming this that a side effect of dramamine is drowsiness. :') my goal is to record at least an hour of playtime each part but i was SO sleepy during recording i ended this and slept at like 9pm HAHA.

next time i record i'm going to try taking less dramamine and let's all cross our fingers i don't get motion sick! if i do i'm just gonna play before bed because i really am enjoying this a ton.

anyways thanks for watching!


JFO part 2

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The meaning of orange lightsabres seems to be a topic of debate in the community. they originate from legends continuity and were wielded by the grey Jedi. These force users used both sides and achieved balance, thus creating an orange saber. however grey Jedi have never made a canon appearance, in fact orange lightsabres only exist in this game in terms of canon, so we don't have a meaning that I'm aware of.

Lucas Chantler

The holo map is pretty confusing at first but it is very important and I think the more you use it the easier it is to understand. Also you may have noticed but Jaro Tapal, Cal’s master, is the same species as Zeb

michael ford

I am playing the game with you

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So the Zeffo are a whole new species introduced in the tie in comic Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 2 published in September 25, 2019 around a month and a half before Jedi Fallen Order released. They only appeared as a statue in this comic and would later be identified as a Zeffo in Jedi Fallen Order so very much a tease to what's to come, think the comic series is made up of 4 issues. Most people would've played the game first so this would be their first introduction to the Zeffo so it's cool that this series is diving into a whole new species and their long forgotten Empire. Pretty sure they've been brought up in the High Republic comics as well just as a mention. The origins of Lightsabre colours have differed between the EU and canon but the Orange crystal was introduced to canon by this game Jedi Fallen Order so in terms of lore details there's very much non so far but could be similar to the Yellow Lightsabre used by Jedi Sentinel and Temple Guards. The EU also has different shades of the same colour for example crimson and magenta. Which is a little confusing as a Jedi could Be wielding a crimson or magenta blade but to the viewer it may appear red at first. One of the reasons for this is other crystals aside from Kybers are used in the EU so you end up with silver, cyan, gold, viridian, and bronze blades to name a few. My personal favourite Lightsaber colour is yellow which we saw used by the Jedi Temple Guard in Clone Wars. Ahoska's shoto-saber (Offhand shorter lightsaber) in Clone Wars was Yellow-Green not pure green light her main lightsabre which not alot of people notice. Also good tip about this games level design don't feel like you need to search everywhere or you'll miss something you can always come back to the same planet if you ever need to find something and the game will jump around and open up new paths the deeper you get into the game so don't worry about missing anything. Also if you want to know more about enemies and characters you can always look at their bios to learn more about them similar to the Batman Arkham games or Spider-Man PS4. Pretty sure there's also lore data you get for scanning things as well.

Kenny Lam

You finally witnessed the joys of the map :P that was so confusing for me. And good idea on going to Story Mode. Story Mode doesn't mean you don't play at all, you still do all the things, its just the easiest difficulty. Even at Story Mode, some of the boss fights later took me a dozen tries. And not sure if you remember, but Dathomir is the planet Maul, Savage, and Mother Talzin are from.

Matthew Webb

Don't forget you can double jump by tapping A twice. Also, its been a while since I've played this game, but I think you can sprint by moving and holding down the left stick (where your left thumb goes). Also also don't worry if ya get lost, cause that's normal. It took me forever to navigate some areas and figure out what to do.

Matthew Webb

I just realized double jump might be locked still, whoops


oh that might be it! i don't remember learning it but i can keep it in mind for the next time i play too!