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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to the bad batch season 1 episode 11 "devil's deal"!

THIS WAS SO COOL TO SEE HERA!!! i literally forgot we were watching the bad batch and i thought i was watching rebels! i hope we get to see more!

thanks for watching!



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You've watched a LOT of Star Wars content over the past few months! What qualities of the franchise do you find the most appealing? What keeps you so engaged? Curious about your perspective

Jorddi Estrada

Watch The chosen one fan edit video on YouTube it’s about anakins perspective it’s really good. I would like to see your reaction

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Howzer is a very interesting Clone one of the few Clones to still have colour on his Clone Armour. All clones we're recalled back after the Clone Wars to be filled in on the state of the galaxy after Order 66 given plain white armour besides some special units like Shock Troopers who still have red makings. This is why we don't see any Clones with markings or colour going for that plain white Stormtrooper look. So it's very interesting that Howzer is still wearing his armour battle worn as well so I assume he never went back to Kaminoan and maybe he didn't even take part in Order 66 as well. He's also very unsure about the whole treatment of the Twi'leks yet still see's the Empire as a good thing it's like the effects of the Inhibitor chip are not as effective or maybe over time they wear off or maybe some Clones just have more free will so many possible reasons. In the EU the Clones from the start knew about Order 66 there was no chip the Clones just went through with it because they were Loyal to the Republic not the Jedi. Maybe for Canon it's a mix some Clones who are not effected by the chips are still Loyal even when the effects start to die out while others are unsure and see the awful things the Empire is starting to do. That's my theory on Howzer anyways from this episode. You can see the Y Wing in the background that Chopper was found in which is such a cool detail. But yeah it really did feel like a Rebels Episode in the Clone Wars Season 7 art style which is awesome.


Hera does in fact have the same voice actress in The Bad Batch as she did in Rebels. There are some good episodes in Rebels that touch on her backstory, and will be given more gravity having seen these episodes of bad batch. I don't remember if you were planning to watch them, but they are Season 2 episode 7 Wings of the Master, Season 2 episode 16 Homecoming, & Season 3 episode 5 Hera's Heros. It appears Hera will be showing up in the upcoming Ashoka live action show so getting the full Hera story could prove beneficial. Plus, she's just a pretty great character.


in Clone wars, when the republic first came to help Ryloth, the General I'ma Gun Die was killed to buy time for republic supplies to come through. The next time we see them in the full Ryloth arc Cham Syndulla is already entitled "general" so apparently he took I'ma gun Die's place and is now at the same military rank as the jedi, but specifically posted on Ryloth. He's probably had the Clone battalion that was previously led by Ima gun the entire time. But, Cham is not a jedi so Howzer and his men wouldn't have had to commit order 66. Maybe he never even got the official order.

Peter Miller

I love this episode and the next. Getting Kanan in the first and now Hera. It’s such a payoff for us Rebel fans. And I love the sound and animation in this episode too.


honestly i feel super intrigued about the lore behind the dark side vs good. i really like thinking about that kind of stuff! and i think the order i watched things in has helped me to sympathize with anakin, or at least understand him. i could honestly make a whole video talking about my perspective on anakin and how i believe it has been affected by me watching in timeline order but i haven't been able to figure out how to phrase it yet!

Proud Papa Prick

Hera's accent is actually a really cool detail they have in these shows. I won't spoil, but your question regarding it gets answered in Rebels.