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hi friends! happy wednesday!

here is my edited reaction to season 1 episode 2 of the bad batch "cut and run"

loving this series so far!!!! and especially omega!

thanks for watching!


bad batch 1x2 reaction

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Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So this is you're first introduction of Chain Codes. They're an identification marker that contained biographical information on an individual. It's a very dehumanizing way for the Empire to track its citizens and control their lives. People had no choice as without a Chain Code you couldn't travel or get access to basic needs so pretty much everyone has one. These are new to the lore being introduced in a show from 2019 you haven't watched yet so they've only been mentioned sinse 2019 and are not showcased in The Original trilogy or any of the EU novels along with anything that has released before Nov 2019. Can't recall if they've been mentioned in Andor but wouldn't be surprised if they were. Also love how we're seeing the Republic transition into the Empire, saw hints in Clone Wars with the Republic military base on Coruscant being very Imperial in design to the Officers wearing outfits that look very close to the later Imperial officers worn by Tarkin etc. But now we're seeing us getting closer to what we see in stuff like Andor and Original Trilogy. There's a guy who created an early model of a prototype Tie Fighter using old concept art for the Tie Fighter which I would love to see on screen just would be fun to see early Prototypes of ships we know with Bad Batch being the perfect place to show them off. Link to his video, no spoilers - https://youtu.be/ZPjAfsToirU Also did a video on the prototype Star Destroyer which would be awesome to see as well in Bad Batch or at least Season 2 maybe. Link - https://youtu.be/pZLAtGu3-98


Now I'm imaging some girl showing up to a new school saying ya I have 4 dads 😂

Proud Papa Prick

Hi! Not sure if anyone or anything pointed it out, but Clone Force 99 were named after the defective clone 99 who gave his life in the separatist Kamino invasion back in Clone Wars. The old-looking clone - he was defective, but he died valiantly, so they named a Clone special force of other defective clones after him.