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hi everyone! here is my timer reaction to episode 9 of andor "nobody's listening!"

i wanted to give a brief update in case you did not see in my schedule last week, i was out of town from thurs-very late last night. i wanted to have the edit done for today but i've honestly been feeling awful from jetlag!

the timer reaction is up for now and i am going to have the edit ready tomorrow for patreon and it will be on youtube on thursday!. sorry for it not being earier, i was editing like crazy before i went out of town!

i will post an official schedule for the rest of the week sometime tomorrow as well but just know you will have The Incredible Hulk to look forward to this week!!!

anyways, let me know what you thought of this episode, i BAWLED MY EYES OUT!


andor 1x9 timer

Watch "andor 1x9 timer" on Streamable.



YAY!!! But also not yay because this episode was wild


why does the timer keep getting ahead of the episode without me pausing it? its as if the vid is 1% faster than the episode