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here is my edited reaction to star wars episode v: the empire strikes back!

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'im really hoping that luke and leia don't kiss in this movie' FAMOUS LAST WORDS


I mean Han was being annoying but it was because he knew Leia had feelings for him but she wouldn’t admit it all movie. He kept pushing because he knew she liked him

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

So this film is actually the first time we see the AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) in Star Wars which for many is iconic to Hoth as that was their first introduction. I think Rogue One was your introduction to them at least the AT-ACT which features a dedicated cargo bed for the transportation of heavy cargo not featured in the baseline AT-AT designed to carry troopers inside. The AT-AT of course was inspired by the AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) that you saw used heavily in the Clone Wars a evolution of the Republic walker something you'll notice alot going deeper into Star Wars. When they started working on Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith they came up with procurer designs to many of the ships and vehicles you see in the original trilogy so stuff like the Z95 Headhunter or ARC 170s flown by Clones in the Clone Wars act as precursors to the X-Wing fun stuff like that. Even the Jedi Fighter has a very Tie Fighter style window. The pilots of the AT-AT wear similar outfits to the Tie Fighter pilots with a few differences in the designs plus the AT-AT pilots wear white instead of Black. We also see Snow Troopers for the first time who look really cool maybe my favovitte looking Stormtrooper design. If you recall back to the Clone Wars episode Trespass, we got to see Clone Snow Troopers who are similar in design mostly the chest plate and kama. The unique helmet worn by the Snow troopers of the Empire look like the Galactic Marines Clone Troopers also known as 21st Nova Corps who were shown in the Order 66 scene in Revenge of the Sith gunning down Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. It’s just really cool how the designers of the Prequals and Clone Wars showcased designs that would later inspire the Empires Stormtroopers. The opening of this film is just so good nothing the audience expected for a movie about space battles to start with a ground battle on a snow planet with massive walking machines. That large Star Destroyer you saw was the Executor Star Dreadnought (Super Star Destroyer) 19,000m long with 5,000 turbolasers, an ion cannon, and a class 1 hyperdrive, pretty much one big, massive Empire City. For comparison a Imperial Class Star Destroyer is around 1600m long while the Republic Venator Class Star Destroyer used at the time of the Clone Wars is 1137m long. In the EU the Republic had a few massive dreadnoughts for example the Mandator Dreadnought but we haven't seen any in canon shows or movies. The game Empire at War and it's mods lets you build these massive republic ships. The ships used by the Rebels on Hoth are T-47 Air speeder’s which you saw in Obi-Wan used to rescue Princess Leia and Obi-Wan. We also see an AT-ST (Terrain Scout Transport) in the background a small two leg walker that acts as support for larger vehicles and squads of troopers. I think this is you’re first introduction to them but there heavily inspired by Walkers of the Republic era. We are also introduced to the TIE/sa bomber which has two central pods, one for the pilot and the other for ordnance. It’s the Empires version of the Y-Wing which you saw in the Clone Wars Used by the Republic and in A New Hope used by the Rebels who stripped the outer shell down to make them lighter. We also have Slave I the ship used by Boba Fett that also appeared in Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars the former ship of Jango Fett now piloted Green and Red.

Ron K

I'm sure someone on here will be able to give specifics, but there have been military aircraft where the pilot and gunner sit back to back. I'm almost positive that there isn't a modern jet like that, but during WWII I think the Japanese had a torpedo bomber where there was a rear gunner who sat with their back towards the pilot. U.S. or British may have had fighter/bomber planes but not sure. If you go back to WWI when aerial combat was brand new you see bi-planes with the big props on the front and open cockpits. They would use a rear gunner who was kind of in a bucket that turned 360 degrees. As a kid when this came out in 83 the snowspeeder was my favorite. It was my favorite toy that year too haha. Hoping to find the original one I got that year in a box when I go home for the holidays this year haha. Loved your reaction to this and how you've been watching Star Wars. My first Star Wars movie I saw in the theaters was Empire Strikes Back when it came out in 83, I was almost 8 when I saw it and still remember a lot of the experience. So having grown up with the release order it's really interesting watching someone experiencing it for the first time in chronological order. Every few years when I decide to rewatch everything (all the live action and animated) I started doing in chronological order and it's changed how I see everything now and has completely changed (in a good way) how I experience them now. Also loving the fact that you are enjoying these so much. Your reactions have been great to watch. Please say you'll be doing Rebels after season 1 of Bad Batch. Rebels is one of my favorite Star Wars stories across animated and live action.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

From my understanding the first airplane to carry a machine gun and gunner was the British Royal Aircraft Factory’s Farman Experimental 2 produced in 1911. The 1912 version was fitted with a flexibly-aimable Maxim machine gun located at the nose of the plane in front of the pilot rather than behind. Video on the plane - https://youtu.be/xaArnJbtw_4 Planes introduced later around 1916 to 197 featured a rear gunner who sat behind the pilot usually with a flexibly-aimable Maxim Machine gun. The Bristol F.2 is a great example a British fighter that was in service all the wall into the 1930s, plane was a game changer for the allies. Video on the plane - https://youtu.be/uBqpWBXw9dQ And of course WW1 bombers usually had a least two different gunners with one in the front and one in the back for example the German Gotha G.IV. Video of the plane - https://youtu.be/dLavERDhDw0 These were usually pretty spaced out as there was no closed cockpits which changed going into WW2. Most WW2 fighters that had a rear gunner would have the gunner be back to back with the pilot or another crew member if you look at bombers. It depends on the plane as well some gunners pretty much had their own little cockpit similar to modern day jets while other planes would just have a seat splitting the gunner and pilot where you could turn around and see the pilot just like the Snow speeders. This guy on youtube has a bunch of gameplay videos in IL-2 showing off him playing as a gunner - https://youtu.be/GFPFf_p4N-8?list=PLp43SzTQHDYJZakSFFFwb6daQ-mwyazcl Modern day larger jets for example still have gunners in the vein of the B-52 like the The B-58 etc. But I can't think of any fighters that have a tail gunner as it's not really needed in the era of long distance combat, jets would rarely get close enough for the rear gun to be useful plus. Helicopters of course still have gunners and so does larger aircraft they're just used through computers rather than some poor soul firing a machine gun out of a ball turret like he's some Clone Trooper in a LAAT.


Breakfast at Tiffany's‽ I would've gone with another old movie: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. ;)

Love Eliasson

Great! Thanks! When will you react to "ROTJ"?

The Magician

You went the whole video without mentioning Boba Fett (maybe I missed it!), so I wasn’t actually sure if you knew it was him. They got the actor who did the voice of Jango to dub over the original voice so it matched up with Boba being a clone of Jango.