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hi friends!!!

i watched thor!!!! i went into this very blind, and what a wild ride it was!! i highly enjoyed it! here's the time reaction for thor!


thor timer

Watch "thor timer" on Streamable.


Lorenzo Baxter

So I already know I'm late lol, but just something that you might not know, I'll quickly say what the "Odinsleep" was. So Odin, King of Asgard, is incredibly powerful. Odins center of his magical abilities, comes from something called the Odin Force. It's basically a source of power, that the King of Asgard can use.... to do many, many things. Just things that God's can do 😅 Augment his strength, grow in size, energy blasts, living much, much longer than he normally would.... basically like the Force from Star Wars, but godly. And tapping into this Force drains him quite a bit. After time, Odin becomes drained, and his body enters the Odinsleep. It's a state where his body recovers from the usage of the cosmic energy. So, the stress of telling Loki he was adopted must've been the straw that broke the camels' back, making him fall into the Odinsleep prematurely when no one was ready for it. That was a lot I know, sorry 😄 Also, I'm sure you know this in the present time, but Miolnir (Thors Hammer) is only able to be weirded by certain people. There was a shot right after Thor was banished to Earth, where Odin spoke to Mjolnir. Odin put a spell on the Hammer, making it so that "Whoseever holds this hammer, if he be worthy.... shall possess the power of Thor." So its not just Thor that can wield it. It's who ever is worthy. So, pure of heart, selfless.... that kind of stuff. It was Odins lesson to Thor, teaching him to be selfless.... to be a hero. It's just that very, very few people are that good and pure to be able to be worthy. But.... I'm also sure that you saw the party scene from Age of Ultron with Steve so..... just keep that in mind.


Super underrated movie


Recently saw my Mom watch this, she isn't into fantasy but was once Thor ccame to earth she was hooked.


Also don't forget captain america before avengers


Remember to watch the first Captain America before Avengers, kinda important(a must)!


oh yes!!! i'm not sure how i forgot to say captain america. i will be watching that either next or after the hulk for sure!


There's plot points that work better in hulk, if you see captain America first.


Im glad you're enjoying the MCU so fat, and dw everyone loves Loki, a charismatic villain with a reasonable reason to be angry always works well haha, as others have said, definitely dont forget Captain America first avenger before Avengers haha