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hey y'all i know i just posted the schedule for the week this morning including part one of jedi fallen order playthrough and i am really sorry to disappoint but i don't think i will be able to play this game :(

i get super motion sick in video games easily, and i didn't expect it to happen with JFO since it's not first person POV however i literally just played for ten minutes and i got really sick. i think it's because of the proximity of the camera view to the character you play as, because the game Stray was similar and i got terribly motion sick with that game too.

UGH i'm really sorry yall. i was really looking forward to playing. unfortunately my motionsickness gets in the way of me playing a lot of games i want to enjoy and there's not really a way i can combat it since i already changed all the motion-related settings i can. 

i know there's some lego star wars games, i've played lego harry potter before and didn't experience motion sickness. would there be any interest in that? or would yall just prefer me continuing with reactions?

i feel so awful! i hope you all understand.


Kenny Lam

I guess watching videos of the game would give you the same effect? Maybe you can at least watch the cutscenes to get the plot. The new Lego Star Wars is great


Assuming that it’s similar to other games yeah I’d get sick watching someone else play the game but honestly the cutscenes idea is a good idea!!! I’ll have to look to see if there are any YT videos of just those or something

Steve The Magic Ninja

I get motion sickness easy from games too. It does suck when it's a game that you really want to play.