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hi friends!

wahoo!!! today we are starting torchwood!

here is my timed reaction to torchwood season 1 episode 1 "everything changes"

i am so intrigued so far!!!

thanks for watching with me!



Things you'll see in Torchwood that you wont see in Doctor Who (and all of them were in this episode, just to make sure we understand how different it is): Sex, Cussing, and Blood. Excited to join you on your Torchwood journey. It takes a bit of time to find it's footing in my opinion, but once it finds it, you'll witness some of the most intense and well produced TV. Stick through the questionable storylines and material, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


If you visit the UK between now and finishing Torchwood, don't visit Cardiff Bay! There's something physically there that could genuinely act as a spoiler for the show. Also I always crack up at the Torchwood favourite hobby of standing on rooftops for no reason