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hi everyone!

here is the schedule for this week!

we are reaching the end of the bad batch!!! what a bittersweet feeling!! we are also close to the end of invincible and about in the middle of season 2 doctor who! i've been loving all these shows so much, and i'm excited to pick up demon slayer and ms marvel as a replacement to bad batch/invincible.

i know a lot of yall are coming in for doctor who recently so i just want to thank you again for being apart of the patreon!!! it's really fun to read everyones comments and get to enjoy the shows with you all.

have a great week! happy mothers day for all those in the US!




Can’t wait for your reaction to the Bad Batch final two episodes coming week!


Who do you think you are, giving us this this much Who. Who is an utter leg end!!! Who thinks I used way to much Who, in this Who related comment. Who thinks I should stop.... Who? OK I'm done. Who. Been a funny old week, brain is a fried.