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hi friends!

here is my timed reaction to doctor who season 2 episode 3 "school reunion"

a blast from the doctor's past, VERY interesting to meet this character!

thanks for watching with me!



And here's one of those Classic Who call backs I indicated was upcoming. This one is more blatant than most obviously. This amazing moment branches off into another Whoniverse show, aimed at the even younger audience. The Sarah Jane Adventures. Like Torchwood, not absolute essential viewing for the Doctor Who narrative, but part of the universe.


This episode was pretty clever in that gave us classic viewers some great fan service by bringing back a classic companion, but it also gave new viewers an emotional glance into the past that still made complete sense without knowing the history of the show. If you are interested in Sarah Jane's original fairwell scene from 1976 (exactly as described by her in this episode) here's a 4 minute clip on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRzNUNESH04 If you wanted to explore Sarah Jane a bit more without having to dig into the Classic adventures, following this 'School Reunion' episode, Sarah Jane got her own spin off show "The Sarah Jane Adventures" targeted mostly at children, but still enjoying by fans of all ages. It didn't start until after Doctor Who season 3 though, this wasn't a backdoor pilot for the show, it was created because of how popular this episode was.