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hi friends!

WOO merry christmas in april :D here is my timed reaction to doctor who the christmas invasion (2005 christmas special)

the suspense of the doctor not waking up, and then being able to truly see david tennant as the doctor for the first time was amazing!!! i am SO excited for this next season!

thanks for watching with me!


Katie Niekamp

Fun fact: David Tennant is married to the daughter of the actor who plays the 5th doctor in classic who! She will appear in a later episode (nobody spoil who she plays!). So it’s kind of a DW family dynasty lol. Each Doctor has an iconic look, some are sillier than others (google “the sixth doctor” to see a classic who fashion crime). Nine was subtler than most. Them fishing around for clothes (or stealing them) is kind of a quintessential post-regeneration moment. It’s always fun to see what the new look will be. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on each doctor’s new look. One Halloween while bar hopping, I spotted someone dressed up as the 9th doctor and someone else as the 10th. I was dressed as the 11th doctor and all three of us strangers got a picture together! I recently cosplayed as the 4th doctor and I was surprised by how many strangers called out, “hey doctor! Love the scarf!”


The Doctor going "Am I funny? Sarcastic? Sexy?" *winks at rose* causing her to smirk and embarrassedly look away, always makes me giggle when I watch it lmao