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how do you prefer full length reactions?

  • original method (bring vid&audio back every 5 mins for 30 seconds) 63
  • current method (audio present the whole time with blurred video) 85
  • 2024-03-30
  • 148 votes
{'title': 'how do you prefer full length reactions?', 'choices': [{'text': 'original method (bring vid&audio back every 5 mins for 30 seconds)', 'votes': 63}, {'text': 'current method (audio present the whole time with blurred video)', 'votes': 85}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 30, 13, 39, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 148}



recently i've been getting feedback about preference for full length reactions. originally, i had the timers done by counting down, and keeping the unblurred video and normal audio up for the first minute of the content and then removing both. i brought them back every 10 minutes for resync opportunities. an example of that method is here

i got feedback especially for doctor who that copies may be very different depending on where you are watching and on what service/method so then i changed it to the more recent method of keeping the video up the whole time, blurred with audio on the whole time. however i am now getting feedback that that isn't ideal either.

since you guys are the ones watching this, i thought i'd do a poll of which one you prefer! i think if i were to do the original method, i could potentially bring the video/audio back every 5 minutes instead for 30 seconds, instead of every 10 minutes. but keep in mind i do generally have to follow copyright so these are really my only two options.

thank you!



I need the audio on the whole time as I play doctor who on one computer then play your reaction on the other with my headphones plugged into your reaction. So if the doctor who audio was muted on your reaction I wouldn’t be able to hear it at all.


I think your misunderstanding my situation. Neither of my computers have 2 monitors. Thus if I want to see both the show and the reaction I have to have it on 2 computers. But my headphones can only plug into one, so if the reaction didn’t have audio I couldn’t hear the show.

Aldo Gonzales

I’m definitely okay with audio throughout. It’s how The Normies operate. The only thing I could suggest is balancing the volume however you can – whether you lower the volume on your mic or increase the volume on the movie or show.