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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to doctor who season 1 episode 9 "the empty child"

it took me a bit to understand what's going on here, but now with the understanding i'm really wondering WHY

can't wait to see what will happen in the next episode!

thanks for watching with me!


Keef Baker

I've noticed you saying a few times that people don't act the way you'd expect and don't just run and are more casual about danger. I'm afraid it's what we're like over here. When I watch Americans going feral when there's a vague noise on TV shows it doesn't seem believable to me. Cultural differences I guess. We're more likely to look and go, "is this dangerous?" and try to process it before reacting. Is it better that we do this? Probably not. Haha.

Katie Niekamp

The part where Doctor Constantine evolves into the “monster” never fails to give me the horror chills. This two-parter is one of my favorite stories, probably in my top 3. Lore fact! The sonic screwdriver was first introduced with the second doctor back in the 60s. It was this incredible magic trick where he literally unscrewed a screw with his “sonic screwdriver.” It’s hilarious how underwhelming it is but he uses it to prove he’s more than a contemporary human. The capabilities of the sonic screwdriver have obviously evolved. However, the psychic paper is new. Russel T. Davies didn’t want to have to worry about the doctor always having to explain how he got on board a spaceship or why the episode characters should listen to this weirdo that strolled in and started giving commands. As was usual for classic who. It takes time away from the story and gets redundant. So the psychic paper was an easy way to keep the show rolling when the writers wanted to avoid explanations and roadblocks.