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hi friends!

here is my edited reaction to doctor who season 1 episode 8 "father's day"

WOW, an emotional one. this one was truly ROUGH.

thank you for watching with me!



As someone who lost his dad this episode hits specially hard and I don't blame Rose for trying to save him. I'm glad she got that extra time with him.

Katie Niekamp

This episode always makes me sob hysterically. It's such a beautiful character episode for Rose. She may seem like she can handle a lot but at the end of the day, she's still a 19 year old girl who misses the dad she never had the chance to know. It's also a good example of time traveling mechanics. I will warn you to not get too attached to the in-universe logic. I'm a Trekkie too and they try really hard to follow their own rules and not break established lore. You'll find Doctor Who values telling a good story over sweating lore consistency. The part that they outline here that never changes is the Doctor knows when time is as it should be and when it is bent out of shape. It's a power he intrinsically has. He's said as much in the other episodes but now we get to see what happens when we don't listen to the doctor and think we can play with the laws of time. Bad stuff happens.