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Howdy howdy, I'm finally back home so I guess that means its time for me to get back to work. It looks like all of the scheduled posts were posted with no problems so I hope you guys enjoyed them.  Anyway, let's move onto listing the top 10 characters on the July animation post.

Mythra- 12 likes

Pyra- 11 likes

Zelda (BOTW)- 9 likes

Mikasa Ackerman- 6 likes

Rogue- 6 likes

Tristana- 5 likes

Hex Maniac- 5 likes

Sakura (SF5)- 5 likes

She Hulk (Fortnite)- 4 likes 

Ninomae Ina- 4 likes

Sticks the Badger- 4 likes 

Vex- 4 likes

A little bit over the amount I wanted to animate but I didn't wanna settle any tie breakers so I'll just be animating all of the comments with 4 likes. I'm not sure if Ina has a model though so I may have to exclude her, I'll have to check. I'll be working on this next week and should have a preview image ready on the 6th.

I'm also kinda curious if you guys prefer voting for the monthly animations like this or the way I normally do it so I'll probably be posting a poll here in a sec, I feel like a lot more people interacted with the July one.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say for now, thank you to everyone who took the time to read through this. See ya around!


Captain Crayon

I prefer the polls to the other type of way to do voting but if I may say I don’t think the polls need to last as long as they usually do lol


I've confused myself a bit, you mean you prefer when I choose the characters? And yeah the polls don't need to be that long, but I always start working on the monthly animations during my "break week" so I like ending them right before that lol