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F4A 🎢 [EXCLUSIVE] [SFW] [11:10] β­πŸ“ž Remember, I'm Here for You | Voice Message | Supportive Best Friend | Depression Comfort | Reassuring | Platonic | With Music 

F4A πŸ”• [EXCLUSIVE] [SFW] [11:10] β­πŸ“ž Remember, I'm Here for You | Voice Message | Supportive Best Friend | Depression Comfort | Reassuring | Platonic | No Music  

It’s always been our deal after all... I mean, you’ve told me the exact same thing back when I wasn’t feeling like myself. We all need reminders every now and then. And that’s your gentle reminder, okay? I believe in you… πŸ«‚


Hello guys! πŸ«‚

How are you doing? It seems like the start of this new year has been pretty rough for many of us... and if you're that lucky person who's gliding through it all with ease and smile on your face, I'm so so happy for you and so proud of you, truly πŸ™πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ

But this has been a crazy month for me though, so I felt like sharing something different with you today. For all of you who're feeling a bit lost and sad right now, I hope this audio gives you hope and brings a smile to your face. This "voice message" is my virtual hug for all of you who need some extra support during this time. We all need a friend sometimes, so let me be yours.

Solar πŸ’–πŸ’«

P.S. I know some of you will find yourself smiling when you hear certain things I say here, simply because it's something I should start practicing myself too. Oh well, what can I say? πŸ™ˆ You're right, because I certainly need to hear these words too at times. We all do.

P.P.S. This audio was inspired by a script written by Tender-Nina. It turned into a different audio as a result, but I feel like giving them credit for being my inspiration is the right thing to do here 😌




This was super wholesome. Loved it!


Thank you solar. I needed this audio right now. Hope the year improves for you soon πŸ’–


You're always welcome πŸ«‚πŸ’› And thank you so much, we'll slowly get there and see better times, I'm sure of that! 😌🀞