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I woke up dazed in that huge place after the xenomorphs wiped out my entire crew.
I was before the queen of her hive surrounded by all the xenomorphs that attacked us before.
I couldn't understand why they had left me alive...
At that moment I began to notice something strange inside me...
They had done something to me while I was unconscious!
My whole body began to burn and my cock grew enormously, expelling a greenish liquid without stopping while two breasts emerged from my chest...
A strange combination of intense pleasure and extreme pain took over me...
My skin slowly detached from my body and my mind connected directly to that of the queen and the rest of the xenomorphs.
Now I was part of them.
I am just an obedient soldier for my queen and she wants us to be more in the hive.
So be it.
We will expand to all corners of space.



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