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My mind is shattered...
I have been locked up in the cell for six days.
Since the day the chief of the tribe gave me his gift in my mouth, my body has not stopped changing...
I barely look human...
I think I don't care anymore...
But what am I saying?!
I need to get out of here before they completely turn me into one of them!
Even with what I have grown I am not able to break the chains with which they hold me...
No guard has said anything to me since that day....
Even though I sound like them and look almost like one of them...
They don't treat me as an equal.
On the seventh day, the chief orders his guards to take me to him again...
Once we got to the quarters of the chief of the tribe and he sees what I have become, he smiles....
He approaches me...
I notice his smell....
I can't resist it...I love it too much!
He grabs me by the neck and says:

-Your body is ours and now that enough time has passed, your mind will be too... With my help!
Now.....Join my horde!!!!

He takes out his huge cock and puts it in my mouth.
I open it....i want all...
I feel each drop of his cum enter my body slowly... My dick grows and fills up as he cums inside me....
Now...not...much remains of me...
I cant think...it hurts!!!
I have to resist it more!
But... I want more inside!!
I obey tribe chief....He is my master!!
....I serve tribe now....He fills me!!
I need to....CUM FOR MY MASTER!

His last trace of humanity vanished with the last drop that fell from his cock that day.....
Is one of them now.



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