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I had been lost in that jungle for days when one morning I woke up surrounded by a group of huge primates ...
They were all staring at me and I couldn't stop thinking that they were going to do something bad to me ...
Without a moment's hesitation I grabbed a stick to defend myself and tried to hit them without success .
At that moment the oldest of them bit me and threw me to the ground .
Just when I thought all was lost, suddenly all the primates turned around and left, leaving me lying there ...
I fell unconscious and woke up dizzy without knowing how much time had passed .
I started to feel strange and when I tried to get up I noticed that my feet no longer fit into my boots ...
Something was happening to me !
I looked up and there were the primates again watching as my body was about to transform . When I took off my boots I saw that my feet were changing so fast ...
My mind became cloudy ...
I almost didn't feel human anymore ...
And it is very likely that I will never be again ...
Now I am part of my primate brothers .




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