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A big thank-you to FlabbyFurry to helping me with this story!


"Hello? Doctor Nayar? I got your email!" Haley called, as she stepped into the tiger's tastefully furnished office.

Dr. Nayar, Professor of Health and Sports Science at Valleywood University, looked up from a stack of paperwork on her desk. Upon seeing the fit blonde coyote, a smile lit up her face.

"Ah! Miss Haley! Thank you for stopping by. Please take a seat."

Haley did so, setting her backpack in the chair beside her. Since she was now double-majoring in education and sports science, Haley had taken two classes with Dr. Nayar (or "The Beast" as some students liked to call her). Dr. Nayar was infamous for her harsh grading and brutal criticism, but Haley had found the tiger could be friendly and even kind once you got to know her. Nevertheless, the athletic coyote wondered why she had asked for a meeting, given that Haley didn't have any classes with her this semester. She hoped it was nothing bad.

"As you may be aware, the University's annual tour day is this Friday," Dr. Nayar began.

"Oh yeah!" Haley replied, "I remember that from my senior year of high school. They bussed us in so we could tour the campus."

Dr. Nayar nodded. "Indeed! It's an important event, even for students who plan to attend other universities. It gives them their first real taste of college life. As part of the activities, I will be leading a tour of the fitness center, and this year, I’m starting things off with a presentation in the auditorium at 11:00. I'm looking for a student to help me with it, and I think you would be perfect."

Haley smiled, flattered that Dr. Nayar had thought to ask her. Something like this would certainly look good on her college resume. "I don't have anything during that time. I would be happy to help!"

Dr. Nayar raised her hand, "Hold on, dear. You should hear the specifics first. As you are aware, many students develop unhealthy habits after they start college. The University wants to remind these incoming freshmen about the importance of eating healthy and staying active."

Haley winced slightly, thinking of how she and her friends had been fighting the battle of the bulge ever since freshman year. She’d just recently managed to slim back down from a recent high, and was determined to stay slim this time.

Dr. Nayar continued, "We want to get their attention in a big way. That is where you come in. During the first part of the presentation, we want to show the students some of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Would you be comfortable standing onstage in a swimsuit?"

Haley blinked, "A swimsuit?"

Dr. Nayar smiled, "A bikini, to be more precise. My thinking is that when these students see a sophomore with a flat tummy and a firm booty, they will realize that they, too, can stay physically fit while in college. Plus, it’ll make sure the men are paying attention.”

The two women shared a brief giggle.

Haley imagined herself onstage in her bikini in front of a crowd of high school seniors. The boys would certainly ogle her, but she was accustomed to that, and she relished the thought of inspiring the girls in the group to eat healthy and work out. After all, Haley knew what it was like to struggle with the freshman fifty plus. If she could help someone else avoid her struggles, she would.

She finally started to nod, smiling. "I'm flattered, Dr. Nayar! I would be happy to do it!"

"That’s great Haley! Now before we move forward…"

"Oh don't worry," Haley said, standing up, "I have just the thing to wear - my favorite pink bikini!"

"I’m glad you’re enthusiastic,” Dr. Nayar replied. "There is one other thing, however. We’re planning –“

"I'm way ahead of you," Haley said. She slung her book bag over her shoulder and made for the door, "I'm going to hit the gym to make sure my abs are extra toned for Friday!"

"Really, Haley, I do want to warn –“

"Just wait until Valerie hears about this!" Haley said as she left, "She'll be so jealous!"

Dr. Nayar sighed. She hadn’t been able to finish explaining the situation to Haley before the girl had left. The tiger thought about following up with another email, but she simply shrugged instead.

"Well, I can’t think of a student as likely to be prepared for this as Haley. She’ll be fine, I’m sure.”

“I can’t believe you’re doing this!” Valerie giggled. “Showing off for so many cute boys at once is so unlike you!”

“I know,” Haley replied, giggling a little herself. “But it’s not like the boys don’t check me out when I’m working out or running, and maybe this will help some other girls avoid blowing up like we do.”

“Yeah…” Valerie said, her hand rubbing the recent five pounds she’d added to her tummy. “Staying thin would be easier if there weren’t so many good pizza shops around campus.”

“Don’t blame pizza shops for your weak will, girlfriend,” Haley said, chuckling. “If I can avoid the bakeries, you can avoid pizza pudge.”

Valerie’s tone was wry as she replied, “Thanks, Haley. I’ll try to remember to be as supportive the next time you need to fit into a dress.”

“Everything looks good?” Haley asked, ignoring the threat for now.

Valerie motioned her friend over, using one finger to smooth out a seam on her friend’s bikini bottom. “All good now. Man, that thing’s firm enough to put an eye out.”

“Two eyes, I hope,” Haley said, snickering. “Thanks, Val.” She took a breath. “Okay…here we go!”

As she walked out to the edge of the curtain, Haley couldn’t help thinking that she would never have done this when she first started at college. She’d grown a lot over the past few semesters, gaining confidence as she overcame various challenges.

It also helped that she was now, by all accounts, smoking hot. Her tummy was looking super toned, thanks in part to a few extra hours at the gym, and her shapely legs and ample breasts were a sight to behold. She was no slouch in the booty department either.

It was nearly time for Haley's grand entrance. She could hear Dr. Nayar speaking to the assembled high school seniors.

"We will begin our tour of the campus fitness center shortly. However, before we do, I would like to show you all why healthy eating and regular exercise is so important during college."

That was Haley's cue. She adjusted her bikini top one last time before walking out under the spotlights. As she did, she couldn't resist strutting like a fitness model, hands on her hips, her abs and legs proudly on display. The crowd of high school seniors reacted as one would expect. Eyebrows rose. The girls whispered and murmured. The guys grinned, their eyes lustfully drinking in Haley's fit figure.

Haley stopped at the front of the stage beside Dr. Nayar. The blond coyote beamed as she stood up straight and tall.

"I would like you all to meet Haley, a hard-working, active sophomore. As you can see, she takes physical fitness very seriously."

Dr. Nayar pointed at Haley's waist. "Notice the visible muscle tone here and here – that can be attributed to a combination of cardio and sit-ups. No young lady could ask for a more perfectly taut tummy."

She motioned for Haley to turn, and Haley obliged. The crowd now got a good look at her bottom, which was barely covered by her skimpy pink bikini.

"Thanks to regular sessions on the treadmill and elliptical, she has trim thighs and a firm, perky bottom."

A few "oohs" could be heard, along with at least one wolf whistle. On cue, Haley turned around to smile at the audience once more. She spotted Valerie, who had taken one of the seats near the front, trying not to giggle.

"By any measure, a flawless figure," Dr. Nayar said, opening a white cardboard box that Haley hadn't noticed before.

"At least, for now," the professor continued, her voice becoming more serious. She reached into the box and removed a cup of what looked like vanilla pudding. The tigress held it up for everyone to see. The audience was focused on the cup, so they missed seeing Haley's smile fade.

"This is a specially formulated compound. It contains extremely high concentrations of sugar," Mrs. Nayar announced, winking at Haley, "Miss Haley here is going to try a spoonful."

Haley's eyes widened. Was this part of the presentation? No one had mentioned it, not even Dr. Nayar. Nevertheless, she was already onstage in front of a hundred students. She wasn't about to make a scene. Besides, Haley thought, what can one spoonful of this stuff possibly do?

A lot, as it turned out. Dr. Nayar carefully scooped up a tablespoon of the gelatinous substance and held it in front of Haley's nose. Haley opened her mouth, and Dr. Nayar spooned it in. The next thing Haley knew, an incredible sensation filled her mouth. The substance was richer and creamier than anything she had ever tasted. She swallowed, licking her lips.

"Mmm!" she moaned in spite of herself.

Dr. Nayar smiled at the audience, "One tablespoon contains about 2000 calories."

Haley's eyebrows shot up as she quickly did the math in her head. There was a faint gurgling sound as the stuff hit her stomach, which began to rumble audibly. Mrs. Nayar continued speaking. "That is equivalent to one week of unhealthy eating, and all those excess calories have to go somewhere…”

As if on cue, Haley's body processed said calories, and with a soft gloop, they were converted to fat. Suddenly, Haley's tight tummy wasn't so tight anymore. She gulped as Dr. Nayar pointed out her new muffin top.

"Miss Haley has now accumulated a roll of fat on her lower tummy. It's barely noticeable, but let's see what happens when she takes another spoonful."

The tiger procured another morsel and held it up in front of her. This time, Haley hesitated.

I can't do this, she thought, her heart beating faster, not after all that hard work! The strict diet… the jogging… the aerobics!

With one hand Dr. Nayar stroked Haley beneath her chin. "Open up," she said, her voice friendly but firm. There were some giggles from the audience.

Before Haley knew what was happening, her lips parted, and Dr. Nayar slipped the spoon into her mouth. The pleasant sensation took hold of her again as the gelatinous substance slipped down her throat. Her stomach gurgled again before fattening once more. This time, her bikini grew noticeably tighter as her waistline expanded with fresh fat.

"Thanks to all that sugar, her tight abs are now hidden beneath a layer of belly fat. And it only gets worse from here," Dr. Nayar said, preparing another spoonful.

Haley cringed, sweating as the bright, hot stage lights shone down on her. Who approved this? she wondered, as the spoon approached her mouth. And why can't I stop myself?

The answer came as her mouth opened involuntarily to admit another load of the fattening goop. The rich, decadent taste overwhelmed her once more. In the back of her mind, she realized the truth, that this sweet, creamy, sugar concentrate was sending dopamine straight to the pleasure center of her brain. This was better than a stuffing, better than nights with Dameon. With such pure pleasure, she was powerless to resist, and she would greedily continue to accept more spoonfulls.

"It's good, isn't it? But not so good for your thighs," said Dr. Nayar.

As the professor spoke, Haley's thighs took some damage, becoming thicker and softer. The small gap between them was quickly filled by chub.

"Haley has now officially acquired the freshman fifteen. Notice that she now jiggles here and here," Mrs. Nayar continued, poking Haley's new trouble spots. "But a few more spoonfuls can't hurt, right?"

Haley cringed as she involuntarily swallowed dollop after dollop of the sugary cream. As she, she thickened up in front and in back. Her tummy and her butt grew even softer, her bikini bottoms stretching out as her lower belly grew even more. Not the lower tummy fat! That’s the hardest to get rid of!

At last, Mrs. Nayar put down the spoon, apparently satisfied with the results.

"In total, we have now added 30 pounds of pure fat." She gently poked the underside of Haley's new tummy pooch, causing it to wobble, "Even a dedicated athlete like Haley will have to put in many, many hours at the gym to work all that off. Turn please."

Haley reluctantly obeyed. Her now-bigger butt jiggled slightly as she did so, making her cringe.

"Take a good look, ladies. This is what excess sugar does to a girl's figure."

The girls in the audience were mostly silent. Some of the boys snickered, while others rolled their eyes.

"And if you boys believe that you're immune to this, I have some bad news for you." As Dr. Nayar spoke, another student walked out onstage. Haley did a double-take. It was her boyfriend, Dameon, and he was far from fit.

The lion was shirtless, dressed only in his snug black gym shorts, which were so tight that they left little to the imagination. He smiled sheepishly as he stood beside Haley.

"Dameon here was lean and mean last semester, but a great deal of partying and overeating has taken its toll," said Dr. Nayar, poking Dameon's chubby belly and pinching his love handles to drive the point home.

The girls in the audience giggled loudly, making Dameon blush.

"College is a time of increased freedom. If you abuse that freedom by consuming loads of fattening sugary foods, you will pay a price," said Dr. Nayar. "Now we will tour the fitness center, and I'll show you how to avoid this unfortunate fate."

She turned to Dameon and Haley, "I would like to thank Haley and Dameon for helping me with this presentation. Let's give them a round of applause!"

The students did so. Haley did her best to smile in spite of the fact that she felt ready to die from embarrassment. Mercifully, Valerie wasn’t laughing. In fact, she looked horrified for her friend.

As the students filed out of the auditorium, Haley practically dragged Dr. Nayar backstage.

"I can't believe you didn't you tell me about… about… this!" Haley said, cupping her new roll of stomach fat.

Dr. Nayar winced. "I'm sorry, Haley. I meant to, but you were so excited about helping with the presentation that you rushed out before I could fill you in on the details."

Haley was dismayed. "I worked so hard getting in shape the last few weeks, and now I'm up 30 pounds. This will take weeks to lose!”

Dr. Nayar put her arm around Haley. "Not to worry dear. That compound isn't actually concentrated sugar. It's a special sugar facsimile."

"Say what?" Haley asked quizzically.

"It's called Flabberall. It fattens you up, but the pounds will come off quickly and easily. An afternoon at the gym should get you back to normal."

Haley breathed a sigh of relief. “That makes me feel better…but what was the point of this? You could have just shown them some before and after photos!"

"True, but this had a much bigger impact, don't you think?" Dr. Nayar asked, grinning.

Haley was puzzled, until she overheard two female students chatting just beyond the backstage door.

"Did you see how the ballooned up? I can't believe a little sugar did all that!" one said.

"Well, it sure scared me straight," her friend replied, "We haven’t even finished high school, and I'm already getting a tummy! I am totally gonna cut back on the sweets and start going to the gym."

Haley stood in silence as their words began to sink in. The whole affair had been embarrassing, but those girls would remember what they had seen. Maybe this really will make a difference, she thought.

"Well… if seeing me fatten up helps even one girl stay healthy in college, I guess it was worth it," Haley said.

“That’s the spirit, dear. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to rejoin the tour.”

Once she had left, Dameon came up beside Haley and put his arm around her.  “You did great, babe. Inspiring!”

Haley smiled. “Was it inspiring, or did you just like seeing me in a bikini?”

The lion grinned. “Can’t it be both?”

“Perv,” she said, grinning back. "How did you get roped into this?"

The lion shrugged, "Dr. Nayar wanted to reach the guys in the audience, and I needed some extra credit. I figured I had nothing to lose."

Haley smiled, reaching around to grope Dameon's flabby stomach, "Oh, you have plenty to lose, belly boy. In fact, once I get rid of my Flabberall flab, you're going to match my losses pound-for-pound."

"You're brutal," Dameon said, smiling and leaning over to kiss Haley on the cheek. “And I love it.”

“Haley!” Valerie came running backstage, looking upset. “Oh my gosh, look at you! And after you worked so hard!” The vixen put on a determined face. "Don't worry! I’m going to go to the gym with you until you've worked all this off. I feel so bad!”

Dameon started to open his mouth to tell Valerie about the Flabberall, but Haley gave him a pinch on the bottom to shut him up.

“Thank you, Valerie. It means a lot. Why don’t we meet at the gym later?”

“First thing after my next class,” Valerie promised. She checked her phone. “Speaking of which, gotta go! Don’t want to be late!”

“You don’t want to tell her?” Dameon asked, once Valerie had left.

“Valerie volunteering to go to the gym? No way I'm going to mess that up,” Haley replied, giggling. “Though if this Flabberall chub comes off as quick as Dr. Nayar says, it’ll only work for this afternoon. Maybe I’ll have to sandbag for a few days.”

“Or,” Dameon said, spotting a box on a table, “you just keep taking Flabberall until Valerie gets back in shape.”

He flipped the lid open, confirming there were several jars of the goo inside.

“Hmm…this could be fun,” Haley admitted. “Grab a few, and we’ll see how this goes.”

“Got it, babe,” Dameon replied. “Say, how does this stuff taste?”

She laughed. “Almost as good as a night with me, but unless you want to be walking back to your car naked, I’d avoid trying any of it here.”

“Good point,” he admitted, once again aware of how tight his shorts were. “Guess I should go get changed.”

“If you hurry, we can just make it to the salad buffet before it closes.”

“Yes, dear,” he replied, in that overworked-spouse tone that she loved. As he walked away, she spent a few seconds admiring the view.

And that’s why I don’t blame people for looking,she thought with a smile.



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