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This update centers around improving the overall entry experience a new player is going to have. It aims at reducing the overall button options while maintaining all functions, re-naming and clarifiying buttons, new and more general voicelines in the tutorial section of the lobby aswell as visually emphasizing important buttons to press first. Apart from that, the Control-UI has been split up and repositioned to be able to immediately start playing and interacting after entering first person controls. This Update will ease the feeling of getting overwhelmed by the various different options. Special thanks to Atani and FX for the awesome feedback! <3

Update notes:

(Known issue: Thrustoptions not appearing in the new Control-UI - will be fixed by next week)

- Split and restructured the Control UI

- Removed movement options from the Control-UI, they are still available in the Pose and Wrist UI (right arm)

- Repositioned and renamed various buttons for clearer instructions. All changes try to respect old supporters experiences to avoid confusion, while improving it for the new ones. Everything stays very similar, e.g. Story Table renamed to Story-Environments.

- Added 4 new Voicelines to replace the old Tutorial instructions

- Improved Lobby-UI-Button appearance, set UI buttons to follow the players camera

- Increased the range of the Fuckspeed Slider

- temporarily removed the Freeplay-Map-UI. This will return very soon with a new UI and fresh options. Almost all ex-freeplay maps have been kitted with a story now, time for more options!

- Improved performance

- Slightly adjusted lighting locations

- Adjusted 2 Club poses.

DL-Link: Resource Collection

Thank you for your overwhelming support. <3



Amazing. Curious to try this out!