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Hey guys! How are you all? I'm better now!
Today I have another devlog!

Poll results:

I gave everyone a bit more time to vote since I haven't started rendering the images of this girl's cow form yet, so I wanted as many people as possible to vote.

Option B won and by a lot(57%), both here, in my inbox and on itch io.

On a side note, lots of you guys asked for combinations of her outfits, I won't be doing that for side girls but for the main ones I will!
People really liked the nipple covers, I will add this option for the next cow girl :D


I started doing the animations this week and some rendering too, I'll be posting lots of previews soon!

Updating the engine:

With no more bugs reported to me and with the saves working I will build the next patch on the latest version of ren'py, thanks for everyone's help!

What's next?

Before the next patch I will open 2 new polls, one for people to tell me which girls I should prioritize for receiving side content and one to chosse the final apearence of Tania (the side-girl-woman that called the mc on the last scene of the previous patch)
Both very quick and fast, won't take much time to do.

And that's it, still working a lot and still a lot to do!
Thanks to everyone that voted and this friday I will open a new poll so see you guys soon!





I have a request, not sure if it possible. The ability to boost the grade of crops is an awesome addition but i feel thats it a bit grindy. Was hoping you could boost the efficiency of the plant sacrifices.


Just Curious, when you ask Bastet to "Bless your Farm" is it automatic? Because the "Overgrowth" button isnt "clickable" for me, only the apples option works.


Yeah, automatic as long you have enough energy on the start of the day, if you don't it will check again on the next day.