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First of all, merry christmas everyone, I hope everyone is okay and well!

It looks like I couldn't complete this patch in time, I really wanted to have finished it by today but a series of bad choices I made prevented that from happening.

First of, since I changed the way the breasts were made I had to re-render all the shots with Aurora and Bastet(she got better tits too). This took longer than I expected. But it was necessary as this is the breast pattern I will be following from now on.

old breasts:

new breasts:

Some have complained that the tits were too oval before and I agree, too bad I just found now how to make them better.

New scenes with Bianca and the new cow girls will be made with the new breasts, but for now I will not touch or redo old content, I will only redo the Bianca milking sprites, because they really look bad compared to the new ones:

And second, I need to do more playtesting before releasing the patch, I don't think this one will have that many bugs, but with 2 new girls, new places, new crop and so many changes I cant just finish the patch, upload and hope for the best! :D

Anyway, the patch is coming soon, in a matter of days;  I'm still trying to get as close as possible to 1 patch per month;  I didn't forget that I promised I would make up for the delay and I already have a plan for that! (starting january)

Thank you for your understanding!

For the next 4 days I will be away from this computer (still working btw >_<) If you need to reach me (T-To c-c-complaim...) you can do so on discord: tenmo#6071

See you guys soon!

