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1. I've been working on adding more depth to the sims so let me walk you through the new personality traits that have been added to the mod:

Eternal Dreamer:

Gameplay Impact:

- Sims with this trait will experience dreams more frequently, while nightmares are a rare occurrence.

- Since they have good dreams all the time, your Sim will improve the skills related to creativity 20% faster than those without the trait. It's like a creativity supercharge!

- They recharge their energy 50% faster and see a slower drain, losing it 30% slower than usual. It's a win-win for both night owls and early risers.

- If they have 5 good dreams in a row, they'll get a special buff that makes them learn creativity-related skills even faster—by 50%:

- But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Since they're so used to having dreams fuel their creativity, when a nightmare comes in, it hits them hard. Their creativity-related skills growth drops by 20%, and their energy drains 30% faster, making them function like a regular Sim for a bit:

- Sims with this trait can now perform a unique interaction: Gift a Night of Dreaming Harmony (usable once a day per sim). This interaction grants both the Eternal Dreamer and the sim receiving the gift a beneficial buff (with the buff description varying based on the recipient's age). The sims getting this Dreaming Harmony will enjoy 24 hours of nightmare-free dreams thanks to this interaction.

- These sims also gain the ability to sense whether another sim had a dream or a nightmare, allowing them to initiate conversations about it. These two interactions, "You Had a Dream, Right? Tell Me About It!" and "You Had a Nightmare, Didn't You? Let's Talk It Out," trigger a reaction in both the initiating and the targeted sim, reflected by a corresponding buff (the buff description for the recipient sim varies based on their age):

Tormented Sleeper:

Gameplay Impact:

- Sims with this trait will experience nightmares more frequently, while dreams are a rare occurrence.

- Since they have bad dreams all the time, your Sim will improve the skills related to creativity 20% slower than those without the trait. It's like their dreams are on a creativity strike!

- They recharge their energy 20% slower and see a faster drain, losing it 20% faster than usual. Night owls and early birds, prepare to struggle!

- If they have 5 nightmares in a row, they'll get a special debuff that makes them learn creativity-related skills 50% slower:

- It's not all nightmares and cold sweats, though. Since these Sims are so used to the bad, a good dream really flips the script. When they have a good dream, their creativity-related skills grow 20% faster, and their energy drains 30% slower, leveling the playing field for a bit:

- Sims with this trait can now perform a unique interaction: Share a Night of Tormented Sleep (usable once a day per sim). This interaction gives both the Tormented Sleeper and the sim receiving the vibe a brand new buff (with the buff description varying based on the recipient's age). Sims experiencing Tormented Sleep will have nightmares if they go to bed within 24 hours.

- These sims also gain the ability to sense whether another sim had a dream or a nightmare (just like the Eternal Dreamers), allowing them to initiate conversations about it. These two interactions, "You Had a Dream, Right? Tell Me About It!" and "You Had a Nightmare, Didn't You? Let's Talk It Out," trigger a reaction in both the initiating and the targeted sim, reflected by a corresponding buff (the buff description for the recipient sim varies based on their age):

2. I've implemented some rules around these new traits to balance the gameplay. Just a heads-up so you know they're part of the mix.

- Sims can't have both 'Eternal Dreamer' and 'Tormented Sleeper' traits at the same time:

- An Eternal Dreamer won't be able to gift a night of Dreaming Harmony to another Eternal Dreamer.

- A Tromented Sleeper won't be able to share a night of Tormented Sleep with another Tormented Sleeper.

- Sims can either share their latest nightmare or their most recent dream with others, but not both at the same time. Seems like their memories aren't too great—once they've moved onto a new dream or nightmare, the previous one's outta there! (Next update: Dream Diaries?👀)

- If a Sim has the 'Nightmares Protection' buff from SleepGuard Tablets, the 'Refreshing Aroma' buff from a diffuser, or the 'Disable Nightmares for This Sim' cheat enabled, then Tormented Sleep shared by a Tormented Sleeper won't touch 'em. They're basically sleep Teflon at that point! 😴

- Whether it's an Eternal Dreamer trying to gift a 'Night of Dreaming Harmony' to a Sim with a 'Night of Tormented Sleep,' or vice versa, the original buff holds its ground. Neither will override the other, and both the giver and receiver end up with a brand new moodlet (with the buff description varying based on the recipient's age). So yeah, don't expect any dreamy miracles here:

3. Spanish Translation was updated to include these traits and everything related to them.

4. Some codes got a major update so please let me know if you find any bugs.




A.E Romst

First off excellent work! I love the idea of dream diaries. Maybe sims could also be able to paint or draw for kids their dreams too? Get an inspired buff attempting to capture the images in their dreams and nightmares. I use to do that as a kid. Does this mean that sims must have a trait in order to have dreams and nightmares? If so would it be possible to have them as reward traits too so I can add them to npcs as well as my active sims. Really enjoy this mod 😁


Hi, thanks for loving the mod! I plan to add the diaries and also a feature so sims can be able to write books, paint or create songs (maybe more) about their dreams and nightmares in general (they are not gonna need a trait for that, that’s only for the social interactions). I don’t get the reward part tho? can you explain it a bit, you mean the 2 traits i just added?

A.E Romst

Yes the 2 traits. Because CAS traits have limited slots (even with mods) the eternal dreamer & tormented dreamer could possibly be added as reward traits, maybe? Hope that makes sense


you know what? that’s actually a good idea, i’ll see if i can make it possible but yeah, if i can i will definitely allow the possibility to add them as reward traits too. thanks! hope you enjoy this update!