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[09/17/2023] Update 1.10.0 Changelog.

- Chinese Translation has been updated to version 1.10.0. Credit to the Orchard Team. More of their work at http://mieliorchard.icoc.ws/.


Hello and Welcome to my Patreon. This mod allows our sims to sleep naked.

1. Sims can sleep naked now:

2. If the sims sleep naked, they will recover their energy twice as fast:

3. They get a new buff/moodlet if they sleep naked:

Plus, they will get three more buffs/moodlets if they keep sleeping naked:

4. If the sims slept naked, they will unlock new social interactions. But always be careful what you ask:

5. The Sleep Naked interaction is not only available in beds, but your sims can also try it in coffins, tents and sleeping bags as well:

💖Support and Patreon💖

If you enjoy the Sleep Naked Mod and want to support its ongoing development, consider joining my Patreon community. Your support enables me to dedicate more time and resources to improving and expanding my mods, ensuring an even more immersive experience for all Simmers. Thank you!




Guess no chance of seeing this work for teens


Are there any conflicts? My sim keeps resetting when I choose to sleep naked I also cannot put them to sleep regularly.


the mod doesn’t touch any game files so no, it’s impossible that it’s causing a conflict with any other mod, the sleep naked interaction is separate from the base game sleep interaction. Please make sure you don’t have any other mod causing the trouble. Thanks for downloading!!