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Howdy guys, here to give ya our monthly development update. 

Let's get the toughest thing out of the way first. HAPS will continue his extended leave as some of you may have seen his recent tweet regarding his mother's worsening condition. As such for the time being I have no solid timeline for Chapter 2's Patreon release. I feel bad releasing it without sprites, even just silhouette and honestly it feels disrespectful in my mind to release it without the new sprites he'll be making while he's got so much going on. I am continuing development on all other aspects of it, so I can release it as soon as I get the sprite work done and coded in. But yea, I can't give a solid window.

Although Chapter 2 is now delayed, the upcoming Chapter 1.5 update will be a bit meatier to account for some of this delay, as what I have in mind won't require new sprites. I am also considering the possibility of a side Chapter of what's going on in the world of Liam and Tobin now that Cody has left, that or a flashback dedicated mini-chapter. 

My hope is to have 1.5 out no later than the end of the month for Patreon. That spin off/prologue mini-chapter early November for Patreon if I decide to go through with that. I've got some ideas regarding the mini-chapter and would love to hear your thoughts.

As you might have seen in the previous post  we've got our first merch pre-orders going, physical stickers!  https://4268e7-2.myshopify.com/ Patreons can use the code PATREONCROPTOP for 20% off, this code is multi-use to account for more designs coming in the nearish future.

I apologize for the delay, but hope you can send good thoughts and vibes towards HAPS as he goes through this   difficult time in his life. 

I'll be hosting the first Patreon Exclusive Q&A Monday at 9PM EST  you can submit questions here https://forms.gle/A6aRQkwDaZGSAbJY9   I will be allowing live questions as well. But, let me know which you'd prefer.

Would you like these Q&A replies visible to the Discord community (Only Patreons may ask questions), or keep it strictly exclusive to only Patreon visibility?

And what do you think about the mini-chapter? Would you like to see a Liam and Tobin what are they up to now? Or would you like to see one of the adventures the friend group had during their last Summer together?



Honestly, it'd be really cool to unlock side chapters and have them be playable from the bonus section, as you progress the story. But if you manage to incorporate them into the main story, that'd be cool too. :3 Also, hope all goes well, Haps! Best wishes!


Side-Chapters i'd appreciate, i think it would be quite nice to find out what the others are up to. Now i don't WANT to throw extra work onto you all, unless that's planned down the line anyway, but what about a "prequel" for Aldric? To see what he had been up to after the Summer Camp (with plenty of timeskips) and prior to meeting Cody again? Could stop right there when he sees Cody through the window.

Split Peak Studios

A prequel of Aldric's summer before Cody is possible, Summer Camp not so much. I've been trying to avoid the need for any 'child' sprites simply because later on there will be adults doing NSFW thing, and I feel like that has potential to lead to drama. Which is why so far I opted for that flashback to be spriteless, just the one sketch you can see in the gallery.


shush! You were ill, so no apologizing for that! Fully understandable ;3