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Just shy of 2 weeks ago we got Chapter 3 out to y'all, and I am beyond overjoyed with your feedback and reception. Better than I ever could of hoped for. We considered several things about this build to be a 'statement moment'. The first real solid experiences that prepare you for what lay ahead in future builds.

But with good news a touch of bad news has to come. We won't be able to get Chapter 4 out to you by the end of July. HAPS is continuing to take a much needed mental health break from all VN work at this time. I can not give an exact date on early access for that, as we have to get Misty's sprite, that can no longer be pushed back.

However development of everything is well underway. I am writing beyond Chapter 4 now to get further ahead of the game, and hopefully line artwork up in a timely manner. So when HAPS does return we should be able to get Chapter 4 and 5 out to y'all not far apart from each other.

I will say though, keep your eyes out for August 18th, we've got some special plans for our one year anniversary.

We can't thank y'all enough for your continued support, and love. It's done so much to get NL to where it is today, and I can hardly believe we are coming up on a year since releasing Chapter 1.

So ready yourselves for the time being, there is so much more ahead, and we're only just getting started.

I'm adding a little audio teaser of an upcoming track, and I'll be posting the full WIP for Mountaineer and up shortly.


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