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The first part of the chapter is finished!

I’ve been writing and posing the scenes from the second part now, which is basically the entirety of the business trip segment. This part already had a small chunk of it done since when I started making this update; I began from this part (hence why the first chapter preview was from it), so it is going much faster now.

The season change from Fall to Winter within the game’s world is proving to be a bit challenging since I am doing a lot of texturing and asset manipulation within other 3D tools to make things unique and fit the snowy environment. It is taking a little bit of time, but the results are worth the effort.

The images I have already posed have been rendering over the past few weeks. While they are processing, I write and work on other content for this update.

As I mentioned previously, thanks to your support, I am now finally dedicating 100% of my time to the game’s development. Things should start moving at a faster pace now. No more time to lose! 🎉

Have a great weekend, everyone! 😀



Keep it up man 👍

Dee Fredo

Wow, I don’t think I’ve actually ever saw a creator change the season/have a season cycle in a game/visual novel


The seasons will play a big role in the story, not only visually but also on the events taking place around the game's world. In fact many of them is already happening within Chapter 3