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This week’s work was pretty much the same as last week; more posing scenes in DAZ and finalizing a few smaller things. So there's not much to discuss about it.

I've been meaning to address the reworked content for a while, and I think now is a good time for it.

Additional Content

Chapter 1 will feature two additional scenes for Julia which are fairly lengthy with significant dialogues and interactions. This is meant to bridge the gap between the Prologue and Chapter 1. Only saying that the MC and Julia have been talking and flirting during this time won't suffice. In the next update, you will be able to experience some of those interactions within Chapter 1.

These scenes happen before you can ask her out on a date at the office break room and won't include any choices. If you don’t want to replay, you won’t miss any substantial choices, except for some additional Julia lore.

I am giving the same treatment to Kimmy. Some players may have missed starting her route if they chose to stay home instead of going to the gym, which was intentional. However, just like with Julia, there will be a second chance for you to start her route if you missed it the first time around. 

Kimberly also has an extended scene in Chapter 1 now, which happens right before the sex scene, and that choice has been moved to within this scene, but again, if you have already chosen to start her route, you won't miss any choice, except to some Kimberly lore in case you don't want to replay.


I started making this game nearly a year before I even thought about releasing the Prologue, and back then, I had very little knowledge of how DAZ worked, and my PC wasn’t that great. So some renders from back then ended up looking terrible. I am slowly remaking some of them, which may or may not be included in the next update.

My main focus is to get all the sex scenes rework done first, then I will keep on improving the static renders and some dialogues.

I reworked pretty much the entire Zeke/Keyla house scene with better dialogue and renders, I also removed the cringe-inducing filler robot scene in Zeke’s office.



This week's dev log is significantly behind schedule due to how my daytime job is consuming all my time and sanity. But hopefully, next week, things will go back to normal.

Have a great weekend, everyone! :D



“You won’t miss anything substantial, except for some additional Julia lore.” To me, that sounds very contradictory. Learning more about the characters and thus understanding a bit more about who they are is one of the most interesting things in this genre, at least for me. Looking forward to it.


That's true, "won’t miss any substantial choices" is how I should have phrased it.

Nebulous Shooter

Good decision on Kimberly, it was unintuitive since she isn't even in the gym, like a choice like that would hint to the player. She even gives you her phone number in the metro scene if you missed it earlier, yet the game prevents the MC from meeting with her and it makes no in-lore/narrative sense, the game just wants the MC punished for missing the gym. I remember thinking she wasn't a main LI when I played 0.2, because hiding a Main LI route start like that seems such an odd design choice. As it stands now you miss her entire route, 2 updates worth of scenes on that one choice, that the player has no clue about, to make an educated decision other than save-scumming, or randomly stumbling into the scenes.


Yes, it felt wrong to lock her out based on just one situation, especially considering the deeper connection she and the MC already share. The train scene will now serve as a better bridge to finding out who she is and understanding her motives before making any decision. This will work independently of going to the gym.