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Hey, everyone!

I hope you are enjoying Chapter 3! 😀

You might have noticed that the gallery is a little bit empty. That’s because I focused on making the story content and releasing it as soon as I could.

Now that it’s finally out, I’m back to working on the reworks and extra content before starting work on Chapter 4. It will not take as long as Chapter 3’s development cycle, obviously, since all the content I have to work on is already halfway done.

I am also addressing some feedback and making small changes accordingly, as well as fixing the usual issues. As soon as everything is ready, I will release an update patch with all the content.

As always, thank you so much for all your continuous support and feedback. You really give me the motivation to keep going.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Geralt of Ashkelon

Thank you for making the game and for addressing the feedback we provided. Enjoy your weekend, Chaq.


Thank you for the great avn and have a great day to you chaq