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Hey, everyone! 🙂

I just realized I forgot to write a dev log last week. I posted Michelle’s March set and I thought I had done it, but got it all confused.

Either way, I’ve been very busy the last few weeks around here. I’m dedicating all my time to posing the business trip scenes now. The effort to balance the inevitable amount of Da Som Kim’s screen time with the other characters is actually coming out nicely. Basically, I gave them different scenes in between as if they are happening at the same time. These scenes are not fillers though, they actually have meaning and give an insight on that character’s own story.

As the renders finish, I’m already putting them in the game and testing them out. If I spot any issues, I can get them fixed quickly.

It’s been a month since I left my full-time job, and it sure feels weird, but it was definitely necessary. The amount of things I am able to work on while having all day free is liberating. In the end, it’s all for a good reason. Good things require sacrifices.

Have a great weekend, everyone! ♥



