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New picture, check your messages for the link!

"Oh Marian my darling, would you stop this nonsense and keep your feet away? How can I compose a serenade for you if you keep interrupting me?"
"Well sweet Robin I'm surprised a dashing hero like you, who can handle himself against several foes, can't even parry my little foot pokes!"
"Keep going and I'm afraid I'll have to poke those tender soles of yours in a certain way!"
"You'll need to capture my feet first, but you don't seem to be very good at that!..."

(...I'm not sure I'll do a fetish sequel, but a possible sequel idea does exist...)

Please let me know what you think of it: the content, the type of style used, etc...

I personally have many mixed feelings about it.
Overall I enjoyed working on it. It's not tickling oriented so it didn't fueled my art burnout, quite the contrary in fact: in got in the zone and relaxed while painting it. It was also good practice to try to render characters closer to my IRL style.

However, I spent an enormous amount of time on this picture: I felt it took me more than a comic page, and it's clearly not viable time-wise (even more when I have to deal with my IRL job). To make things worse I'm not happy with how it turned out: it looks unpolished, subpar and quite amateurish.
I'm aiming a professional level on par with Caraid or Nomax, but for the time being I'm not there yet.
Not mentioning the many anatomy and shading mistakes.

For that reason I didn't advertise this picture on my socials nor galleries and paused billing on patreon.

It was a nice art experiment, but I'll have to either rever to my old style or figure out another one for future pictures!



I may not be a lady-paw kinda guy, but in all honesty I felt like this captured the original movie’s art/style closer than nearly any other artist’s version from my perspective. :3. At one point I thought you took a screenshot of the movie to use as an icon. It’s excellent work and also adorable. ❤️💜🧇


Thank you! I really wanted to draw something that would look adorable, fun, even somewhat relaxing. I’m happy it worked as intended!