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Hello everybody,

I've just re-published the €1 tip tier, as I had totally forgotten to do it previously.

First of all, thank you for your understanding and also for the messages of support some of you sent me regarding my previous update an art burnout. I was nervous expecting some sort of backlash, or people telling to "toughen up because it's your job: just deal with it!" and none of that happened, so once again thank you so much for your understanding. Trust me: I truly feel bad about this whole situation and for being art drained.

Still, I've started working on the November pic and posted a rough WIP for the €5 tier. I didn't do much, obviously due to the lack of time and burnout: I don't want to make it worse than it already is. I'll just say it involves the character of Talbain, who was suggested by macko-okcam.
Between the burnout and the lack of time, it will only be released much later in November: a Halloween release is unfortunately no longer possible, and it will likely be released in the second half of November. So I'll post the third page of Kylian's Adventure's prologue at the beginning of November, but unfortunately I wasn't able to properly polish the fourth page. I hope to be able to post it later that month.

I prefer to be honest with you: the next weeks leading to Christmas are going to be brutal for me at work: many projects to prepare and many hours on site (I work as a contractor). I'll have a two weeks holidays that will mainly serve as time to prep stuff for future weeks, so it'll leave me little time to focus on the December pic I had in mind. In other words I doubt I'll be able to have a last picture ready for Christmas as originally wanted, so it's likely I'll pause billing again in December and/or January, so I can properly work on that pic.
I'll inform people before hand on my socials, so those who want to join to see the content will have the opportunity to do it before I pause billing.
However there's a bit of good news: I might have more time in general next year to focus on my patreon, but I'm still waiting for my schedule to arrive.

The burnout is obviously still present. I still need to launch photoshop on a daily basis due to my IRL work, but motivation and energy for creating most art is still eroding.
Regarding fetish art, I might try a workaround and see if that works: the idea would be to put tickling art on hiatus and focus on normal pics that I'll do for me, something that hopefully will inspire me and oil the gears again and maybe tied to my stories.
However, I'll try to make those pics somewhat foot focused in a way or another, so hopefully they'll still interest you in a way or another.

I'm also gonna have to somewhat change my art style...In terms of techniques and skills, my art style as Xss is not really fueling the one I use IRL. In fact, it's even becoming a hindrance as I'm not progressing enough, nor being as good as I should be at my workplace. That's just a personal feeling: my colleagues nor my boss have pointed fingers at me and my skills, but still...
I need that Venn diagram of Xss and Me-IRL that I mentioned previously to overlap a bit more. I need to practice more the techniques I use at work and be more proficient with them, so I'm going to change the way I tackle pictures, without giving too much into my IRL style so I'm not outed. I think those pics will still be effective, and you'll probably still recognize my style and enjoy them, but be aware the "feeling" and rendering might look a bit different.
I still don't know how this will impact comics, since that is a style suited for pics instead of comics. I guess I'll experiment.

Regarding stories, Monster Crowd is still tickling my passion and interest (pun totally intended). There's still the issue with some of the religious themes or ties to historical events, so the current situation in Israel and Gaza makes it very delicate...But I really want to start releasing it, at the very least in memory of Crazy-Wolf.

The "Unamed supernatural story" is slowly becoming a favorite of mines over Kylian's Adventure, and I have most of the story ready, so it's more and more likely I'll focus on it for a while.

Thanks for reading and for your support, and Happy Halloween.
Time for me to go back to work!


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