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Hello everybody ! :)  

First of all, and completely unrelated: I'll post a message soon about the story me and Crazy-Wolf were working on. :D Just to go over how I came up with the idea, why I contacted him, etc. Let's say it would serve as a preface!

Now back to topic: after giving it some thoughts and consideration, I think I have figured out a way I'll handle breaks from now on, since the main issue with paused billing is that no one can join and become a new patron, which is a bummer: it's easier for everybody if people can join and leave as they wish from my page.

I put a little poll at the bottom, so you can let me know if you're for or against that idea (yea or nay), or if you have another idea to propose.

So, this is likely what I will do, hopping it doen't go against Patreon's TOS:
When taking a break, I will post several reminders explaining I'll no longer be producing a certain type of content during the next month(s), HOWEVER I will not pause billing so new people can join in and see previous content. I will post those reminders several times so no one misses them.
As a patron you'll have then the option to:  
1- Simply cancel your membership until I'll announce on my socials I've posted something new that interests you.
2- Switch to the 1€ tier to follow regular updates and also simply support me (thanks! ^^).
3- Just do nothing and stay at your tier! In that case, I'll assume you simply really want to support me (you're amazing, thanks so much! :D), even if you might not get fetish artwork or nothing new at all for a while.
HOWEVER, I really don't want to abuse people's kindness. I feel that if I'm going to take a long break and realize too many people are not unsubscribing, I might simply pause billing once again.

With that out of the way, this is what I'll define as breaks :  
1- No new content at all for a certain time, due to IRL jobs and duties.
2- No new fetish content for some time, while I concentrate on personal projects (Kylian's adventure, etc...).
You could technically put in this second category longer fetish comics that won't have any fetish material for several pages, like the Trollangina remake...
This could also apply to alts. By the way, some of you will be happy to know that the alt pictures of Puss in Boots vs Death are finished, but I am not entirely sure if I'll publish them this month (along with the creation of a new tier), or if I'll wait until next month.
Creating those alts and working on the Starfox comic made me realize one thing:
1- I can't do alts with the comics, alts work better with regular pictures.
2- Due to my IRL job and duties, it would be difficult for me to work every single month on a new picture with alts, plus a new comic page for a fetish comic, plus a new comic page for one of my personal projects.
I could do all of that if I didn't have my IRL job, but since that is not the case lack of time and energy is always the issue, and at the end of the day I'd rather focus my energy on personal projects rather than on fetish work (unless I get super kinky and inspired!).

I'll be honest: after giving it some thoughts, a gumroad might technically be so, SO much more convenient for my mental health, energy and finances. That would allow me to focus on only my personal projects on patreon, and do some fetish artwork on the side for gumroad. That would create some automated side income, without having to worry about producing something new every single months.
Plus, I'll no longer have to worry about users subscribing for just one month, saving all images posted on patreon, and then leaving.
Unfortunately, it's likely I'm gonna have to pass on gumroad (or Ko-Fi, or Etsy, etc...) for a variety of reasons that would be too long to explain here. As they say, "never say never", but right now it's unlikely for two reasons:
1- Anonymity on gumroad as a seller seems to be a hit and miss, plus I might use it for my IRL business.
2- French kafkaesque bureaucracy makes everything difficult, which already makes me nervous to try that platform for my pro business as I could run the risk of being heavily fined.

So, I have to stay on patreon for the meantime, but since patreon doesn't allow you to sell goodies: that's the idea I came up with!  :)

So, let me know: yea, nay or other !


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