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Hello everybody!

Well, here it is: I decided to take a break from drawing today to polish the prologue...It's 30 pages long, so I've probably made it too long, but it's finally here!!! (along with a preface where I warn you how terrible it might be, because I'm the emperor of self-doubt). Those of you who have access to the exclusive art tier should be able to see it in the folder. ^^
Bear in mind The Nomad Islands is not exclusive art: soon or later I'll share it on my socials, but you have access to it earlier.

So, what to expect from it? My usual silliness, stupid gags and shenanigans, and waaaaaay too many main characters. The influence of Avatar the Last Airbender should be pretty obvious in some way, but coming up with original stories is not my thing. Still, I've just had this in my mind for way too long (more than a decade), and if you decide to give this a try I hope you'll enjoy it. :)

Fair warning: it's no longer in comic format. It's a written "summary" that somewhat looks like a hybrid between a script and a novel: I'm no longer trying to write anything good (writing in English is incredibly time consuming and challenging for me), no great figure of styles, I'm writing like a kid who's going straight to the point in present tense, but at least I'm making more progress that way.
If time allows it, I'll work on some more illustrations and maybe concept art for it.


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