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Hi Outlanders! Hope all is well. Lets enjoy some Outlander together!


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Kimberly Graham

I think Jamie took pity on Geneva and -- I mean -- he's a healthy man who hasn't had sex in years and years . . .he was probably thinking of Claire. He never thought he'd see Claire again and Geneva was pretty and he felt sorry for her in the end, I think. That last scene when Jamie is riding away from Willie - that is some Emmy-worthy acting. HIs face -- he looks so crushed and his heart is breaking.


At the start of the video you spoke about a comment on your patreon about the last episode, I read that, It was beautiful. I felt for Frank but I don't know why I never saw it like that. Like you said "It's nice how everyone can see this series in a different light." I loved this episode, I like when they all draw straws to see who will ride with Geneva. I love it when she and Jamie go riding and she tricks Jamie into picking her up, she laughed and said "I knew you'd do as I told you." The way he drops her in that mud and steps over her, I loved the way you laughed. When she forced Jamie into sleeping with her, that is assault, but what she did was not because she took pleasure from having that kind of control over someone, but because she wanted to be with someone of her choosing. Jamie being forced into this he could've made it a bad experience for her, been cruel even, but instead he was sweet, tender, and when it was over he asks her "Did I hurt you." Geneva then thinks she's in love with him, maybe she is, but then he tells her "What you feel for me now, you could have with any other man. It's not particular. Love is when you give your heart and soul to another. And they give theirs in return." I can't believe what happened after Geneva died, that scene when Jamie has to step between a gun and a knife to protect his son. Its sad that she'll never get to see Willie, her baby boy. I'm glad Jamie chose to stay, even when offered his freedom he still chooses to stay as a prisoner, to be with his son. I don't think that would feel like prison to him, he would feel free every time he's with him. I love what he says to him when he's still a baby "You're a braw laddie, Willie. You're so wee." I love when we see Jamie and Willie years later when Jamie is teaching him how to ride his pony. He loved spending time with him. When he and Willie have a fight they both say things they don't mean and Jamie is quick to apologize, he says "I take it back. I should never have used the word, I'm sorry, my Lord." He then holds him. I always love how Jamie makes you feel in those moment's. I get why he had to leave, the older Willie gets the more people will question things. Jamie has a great friend in William Grey, what Jamie was willing to do, to make sure Willie would have someone to look after him, is there anything he wouldn't do for people he love's. I'm glad William Grey is marrying Isobel, he will be a good father to Willie, he's a good man, I think he's the only friend that Jamie has left now. I like towards the end when Jamie spends his last night with Willie, he made him that snake. Years ago Jamie's brother Willie made that for him, Sawny, now he makes it for his son with the name Willie etched on the bottom. I like when Jamie tells Willie he had a wife and that one day he will have a wife of his own, he says "There's a woman out there for ye. Ye'll find her one day, or she will find you." Watching Jamie say goodbye and Willie running after him telling him to come back was heartbreaking, you can't help but shed a tear at times with this series. I loved what you said at the end of the video "Humans are walking books in a way. There's things that you can share with others, and things that you don't want to share because it's too vunrable. And there's things that you have to leave behind, things that you gain and lose. Walking books of information, knowledge, happiness and sorrow." You talked about the Natasha Bedingfield song Unwritten. I just listed to it. I like what she said "Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten."

Kimberly Graham

I wasn't surprised Jamie was all-in with Geneva. It was many years after Claire left, and I mean, Geneva was beautiful and Jamie had only had sex one time since Claire left. I don't blame him. I also think, in spite of her threats, that he tried to be kind to her and empathized that she was doomed to a life with the old man.

Kimberly Graham

The heart-shattering is so clear on Jamie's face as he rides away. Sam is a truly good actor. Very under-rated.