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Arcane has sadly come to an end, but it was an amazing ride! I enjoyed every second of it! But now is time to welcome in The Sandman Reactions! How many of you have watched this series/read the DC comic?? 

I cant believe I hadn't heard of this story until the Netflix series because it is AWESOME! I cannot tell you how much I love this show, if any of you haven't seen this series get on it ASAP you can find it on Netflix.

Watch along with me guys, and lets enjoy this show together! (Episode 1 reaction was just posted)

Also Clone Wars is something else to look forward too those reactions will be coming out soon I shall post an update to when they will start dropping

Thank you all for your continued support <3



I started watching the show and four episodes in I found the graphic novel at the house I was cat sitting at. Read the whole thing and watched the rest of the show. Can't wait to see your reactions!


Sandman was great! I can’t wait to see your reactions