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Hello everyone! Hello to those of you who have subscribed to Patreon recently as well as those who have been here from day one.

Each week I like to check in and see how everyone is doing, I would love to hear some goals you have accomplished or wish to accomplish, and hardships/struggles. This is a place to talk and just catch up with one another. This will still be the weekly check-in. So please do tell me how you have been this week! 

I wanted to just share my thanks with everyone here who is supporting me.

I just want to say thank you all for believing in me. It means so much that you are supporting me and the channel and my team. This is never lost on me and I am so lucky to be in this position. I will continue to bring out more of myself and more content that brings laughter and joy as well as some tears. I want to share my highs and even my lows with you guys because we are all in this together, truly. I know that can come off as sappy, but it really is the truth.

I promise to continue to put my heart and soul into these videos. I am at my happiest when I am enjoying a good movie and a great TV show so I hope that is felt through the screen. I appreciate you all being so open in these comments as well. Just very happy for this community :)

Thank you all for your support. Hope this weekend will be a nice one for all of us! <3



My days been good just focusing on studying for my driving test really and keeping up with school stuff lol. I also started Supernatural videos just have to edit them lol. Hope you're doing well too


Good luck on your driving test! Ohh do you have your own reaction channel?? How are you enjoying Supernatural? (I love the show so much)


Yea and I'm enjoying the show a lot ! (: its cool to see so many other peoples opinions on it too in this community and the fandom the fandom is super passionate about it


Commented a while back about antidepressants and fear of tapering down, well they stopped working so that's what I had to do. But a few weeks in i began realizing how numb I had been and how much I had lacked in creativity and motivation (I'm a designer) sure I didn't have anxiety or depression for that period but I didn't realize until now how weird it made me feel. Last week I changed to Lexapro which seems to be a better fit for social anxiety, and so far so good. I cooked food for a family members birthday and guests, something the thought of alone would have given me major anxiety. So all seems to be heading in the right direction finally..


How was the tapering off for you? When I tapered off of Zoloft it was a hellish experience. I am very happy Lexapro seems to be helping so far! The numbness is something I experienced as well, which was one of the reasons I decided to stop taking them. It really isn't anyway to live. That is awesome! Hope things continue to look up for you :)


I was surprised that I didn't feel too bad, maybe noticing the numbness going away helped it? Mostly screwed with my sleep and stomach. But Lexapro sure made me so tired I slept several days away, had to start taking it before bed instead. But ye the numbness from Zoloft is not worth it, I watched better call Saul after I tapered off and I was surprised how much more I was into it, small stuff like that really sticks out. You become so used to the numbness it's not until you quit you realize how it feels to feel everything lol


But I'd like to say you talking openly about all this def has helped me be more open about it as well. I went years just ignoring my bad feelings and being ashamed for it. I'm really glad that mental health if becoming less stigmatized. Cause idk if I could take another decade of how I felt, just putting in the effort to help yourself on its own is quite a dopamine rush I gotta say. Hope all goes well for you as well!