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AOT 4x7 Cutdown Clear

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Jason Rodriguez

Hell yeah just thinking about this vid


A lot of people seem to forget that the great titan war was literally only 100 years ago. Betty White is turning 100. When they talk about the oppression the world faced from the Eldian empire they're not taking this from some ancient biblical texts. They're grandparents LIVED IT. And that oppression and EUGENICS lasted for thousands of years. Thats thousands of years of festering hatred for the Eldians. So when people say that the paradis soldiers are justified in this war then you have to understand how the Marleyans feel more than justified in attacking Paradis regardless of who is and isn't innocent.

AlexXis Amadeus

First off, great reaction. Second off, we've known since, I think, season 2 that Eren has about 3 transformation limit before he exhausts himself, so after this, he either has to kill everyone or escape. Third, it looked like Reiners Titan form was more "incomplete" than "personalized". Seemed like some patches of his armor were missing, and some were flayed and not properly constructed. Odd. Maybe reflecting his spiritual exhaustion. Also, i'm not sure if this is brought up anywhere, but it seems like there's a bit of an "acceptance" time when a titan shifter gets another titan. Kinda looked like Eren had to take a moment of time to adjust once he got the War Hammer titan, so if that's the case, I can understand why he would wait before eating Galliard once Reiner showed up. Otherwise he'd just be stunned, and get bodied immediately, then lose everything. Those are my thoughts!

Jay rellim

yup, it's that he's not fully armored. he has no stamina and will to live so it didnt complete

Marco St

@Ruben Sure, man. But OG King Fritz tried to break the cycle of revenge and hatred. He sacrificed his own people for it. And what'd Marley do? They continued to persecute the remaining Eldians (around the world as well as the ones on Paradis). Everything that's happening now is because Marley refused to acknowledge OG King Fritz's sacrifice. Willy even mentions it when talking to Margath. Marley just wanted to expand, expand, expand. In the pursuit of that, they oppressed Eldians, used them as weapons of mass destruction. This led to the rebellion among the Eldians, which is why Owl set Grisha on the path to reclaim the Founding Titan. And that's what ultimately led to the attack on the wall and Eren being set on this warpath. We can keep talking about how Marleyans still remember the oppression they felt under the Eldian Empire, but they did no better. And it's not like they were just doing bad things to Eldians. They weren't even paying that much attention to Paradis Eldians until Fritz family lost Founding Titan to Grisha. They were just using the power of the Titans to expand their own empire - 100% in it for selfish reasons. I'm not gonna pretend Paradis Eldians are being good guys right now, but I honestly have no sympathy for Marleyan Empire (the people, sure, but not the empire).

Jay rellim

remember that most of the marley govt doesnt know that king fritz was the reason the war ended. they really thought they had the 'devils' retreat and then the king threatened to destroy the world if they messed with him. so why would they treat the eldians kindly? they still just think of them as ppl who killed each other after they finished killing all of their enemies. not excusing them, but ive seen many ppl say marley should just have left the eldians alone or that eldians were 'minding their own business' but marley's believed history is them defeating their oppressor then the king leaving but still having the power to end the world lol.. they were ignorant bc the tyburs kept this stuff a secret sadly


I seriously don’t care for anyone in Marley tbh, I’m all in for Eren and his mentality is literally mine when it comes to them, they are getting what’s coming to them.


Lets Go!? Hype Im ready😤

Jay rellim

udo said marley lowkey treats eldians better than other countries (bc they've been ravaged by titans as weapons) so do you want every other country to get the same treatment?