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2x1 - https://streamable.com/v3fnek



Betelgeuse mentioned that Pride archbishop seat is the only one that's missing, so he asked if he's pride because of his strong witch scent(love).

20 16

I'm so glad you watched it

Champion Bescos

My favorite reaction to this episode, I must say. In a show all about character development and suffering and growing, you two have such immense empathy and it makes even the adorable moments like the ending here feel... more, somehow. Never change.

Jev Cor



#TeamRem Have you ever heard the saying b4 people die in shows that “your life flashing before your eyes” that’s what happened to Rem. She saw what her and Subaru’s family was like here’s pic of that flash’ https://images.app.goo.gl/wrbyH86Mr9cvAdfE6

Jev Cor

Rem is a useless character, I'd be ashamed to ever put her name near a hashtag.