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1x18 - https://streamable.com/w939kh


Charles Liu

Honestly, I don't mind that you guys didn't talk during this episode, your raw reactions were just really nice to watch because I felt the same things when I watched it. Keep up the good work y'all


It's okay that you guys didn't talk much lol. It was a very beautiful episode that didn't leave much room for talking and only feels ;-;




You didn't need to talk. Your tears said it all. What you just watched was one of the greatest anime episodes ever. Rem is everything we men want in a woman. And trust me. We were all upset that he chose Emilia over Rem. I'm Team Rem and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Great reaction you two.


Also, there are two ova's you might want to consider watching. Both are canon and can be found on crunchyroll. Memory Snow takes place exactly after episode 11 and Frozen Bonds shows some of Emilia's backstory. I haven't seen Frozen Bonds yet, but I do recommend Memory Snow. It was written with the intention of being seen after episode 11, but didn't make the cut to the anime.


Welcome to the Rem is best girl club. There are always extra seats

Loro Lukic

While it does hurt, Rem knew he loved Emilia from the start. She wants to be his lover not a Plan B when Emilia doesn't work out, it's why she declined. But it was handled very straight forward - actually the opposite or what most anime's would do - compared to anime's where the main character has a Harem of girls he all leads on throughout the show. In a real life context it's obviously not beneficial to keep pushing when there's no reciprocal love, but in the context of the show Subaru does care for Rem in more ways than just romantical. Its disheartening because a lot of people dropped the show on this episode because they're focused on who's the best waifu from all the anime Rom-Com's they've watched without taking in the deeper meanings of narcissism, self reflection, depression etc. Hopefully you two will see my take.

Daniel Gonzalez

Only the people that care about who supposed best girl is were upset everything Subaru has done in this world has been for Emilia and she has been his main focus Rem knew that its why she didnt take him up on his offer she knew he was running away

Charles Liu

You should definitely watch Frozen Bond, I've been told that it has information that ties into season 2 and I can see how after watching it

Teyon Alexander

Sticking around when you're in love with someone and they aren't in love with you is tough. I've done it. It's not something I'd wish on anyone. Honestly though, Subaru doesn't really deserve her and she doesn't really deserve him, if that makes sense? Like Subaru, Rem loves who she thinks he is - the ideal of him - and not the very flawed, very damaged man he actually is. Just like Subaru loves who he thinks Emilia is and not the real person. Not to downplay Rem's feelings - they are clearly very real - but Subaru is the kind of person I could see letting you down in a big way under normal circumstances. The only reason he manages to come off as heroic is that he has redone things so much he can. She likely would have become disappointed with him over time. All that said, having been in Rem's shoes, confessing my adoration for a woman I've known a long time and knowing full well it was falling on deaf ears, I empathize with her and I hope she can find happiness away from him some day. It'll be hard but it can happen. I understand the popular opinion is that Rem and Subaru should be together but honestly, Rem deserves better. Thank you both for such honest reactions to what I know was a very difficult thing to watch.

Desto Samuels

Very interesting how this episode on a romantic level really shifts people's view more to a more illogical standpoint of "She said she loves you with all her heart so you must love her too"(Or something along those lines). It was a very emotional episode but Subaru suffers in the grand scheme of things and him loving Rem at the end of the day would definitely be a route of him giving up. It's possible for Subaru to care about Rem deeply without loving her the way she loves him she has also killed him multiple times.... Not a whole lot of time has passed between those events as well. At the end of the day he has every reason to be able to feel how he wants to feel, especially with all that has happened to him....

Scott Tyson

I had the same reaction to that "infamous line" and most of the fan base is with you lol!


Great reactions, loved it. It was this episode when Imon and Abby knew.... this wasn't another harem anime :D "I love Emilia"


I don't know - I like Rem, but I feel like people exaggerate her purpose; as far as the story is so far concerned, she was imo just a component for Subaru's growth. As far as Rem loving only an ideal version of Subaru, I would actually argue differently. In a sense, it was Subaru who chose to die multiple times to rescue Rem in S1 the way he did - although he failed in the past, it was the growth from those past failures that motivated him. And as Subaru retains his memories and past self in his re-birthed life, the Subaru who chose to save Rem is still the same Subaru who was killed by her. Rem would not know this, but it that same Subaru who saved her is the exact same flawed Subaru in the past. To further extend on this she basically implies that the Subaru she loves is someone who never gives up, and that giving up is not the character of Subaru. As we see - ESPECIALLY in season 2, but also season 1 - the most notable characteristic of Subaru is perseverance. Now as for Rem deserving better, that's all up to opinion; imo, Subaru is a saint beyond ANY person's limits, as his resilience, inner strength, will power, and perseverance is beyond anything of this or that worlds'. Yes, he's flawed - it's those very flaws that make him an amazing character. And it's those very flaws that make him relatable to people in general; and when relating him to the nature of humanity and people in general, Subaru is basically a saint imo.

Jev Cor

I know it sounds cold and I adore Rem but Subaru isn't obligated to love her just because she confessed.

no. 21’s no. 1 simp

No, Subaru told her that he wanted to spend her life with her. She declined saying she knows him. He wonders why, so she explains to him. (Then goes the point of her healing him from his mental break) She shows how much she loves him. And when everything is spilled that she will love and do what he asked... He says that. She knew it all along but he did her very wrong in this moment.